Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I saw a lady walking two doodles on the way home today. I say to her, "oh what cuties, they're doodles right?" She says in the snootiest tone, "NO, they're miniature, Australian labradoodles." She was so offended. WTH?
lol. Her dogs were really sweet. Too bad she wasn't!
I wonder what she would have said "oh that's too bad I thought they were Doodles, but they're pretty cute anyway". I have two ALDs and I would never, ever think of making a remark like this.
lol. I just can't figure out what goes through some people's minds sometimes. Your doodles are beautiful Jane! Yes, I just called them doodles! OmD! If that lady saw this, she'd probably have conniptions! heee
Is this a rhetorical question or do you really want to know? I would say that you can find lots of info online but here is a brief explanation--An F1 is the offspring of a lab crossed with a poodle--an australian LD is the offspring of two other ALDs and their parents were also ALDs going back several generations-- the original ALDs were bred back in the 1980's I believe and there is a LOT of controversy as to what exactly was mixed in to create the ALD--some say spaniels and other breeds were included and there are now no records to prove anything (due to a fire at a kennel, I think?)--there is a lot of discussion about this on DK if you search the topic on this site.
Whatever the case, both LDs and ALDs are mixed breeds, but because the Australian lines are older and there has been more refining of the ALD breed, some people feel the ALD offspring are more consistent in many ways (especially temperament) and that the ALD is superior to an LD for that reason. I personally don't buy it--I think both LDs and ALDs are great dogs much of the time and that no one should feel that they have an "inferior doodle". And no one should feel like they have to pay double the price to get a "GENUINE" ALD...To me that is just a marketing device. (Just my opinion!!!)
I had an experience 4 years ago when I showed up at a dog park with my Half-ALD (her momma was an ALD) and when I asked a man with his doodle if he had a doodle he got all snooty and said "It's an Australian labradoodle" and I said, "Oh, so is mine!" He just walked away..ugh.
We have a breeder near us who claims that if you want a GENUINE labradoodle, you need to buy one of his because they are AUSTRALIAN (and he charges you a pretty penny for them too!)--anything else is a FAKE labradoodle--oh, brother! I am sure there are some (yes, even on DK) who feel that way, but I certainly do not!! The ALD does have some differences in their genetic background than an F1 Labradoodle, but so what? That makes them superior?? I don't think so.....
Hey I got one of those and one of the rescue-we-think-he-is-a-goldendoodle kind of dog. We are not snooty about either one, but we have encountered some who think that whatever heritage their doodle has, is the only true doodle. I just let them make fools of themselves. Believe it or not, some rescue-we-think-he-is-a-??doodle people are quite snooty because the dog is a rescue (I guess they feel they sacrificed quality to get a rescue so need to build up their egos). Go figure.
Yeah, that seems to be the "latest thing"- some people think that anyone who rescues is "good", anyone who buys a pup or a dog is "bad"...of course, anything that helps dogs get out of shelters and into new homes is OK by me--but why do the people who wish not to rescue have to be labelled as bad? One of my neighbors recently rescued an adorable poodle mix and she was very lucky to find such a great family dog--but told me later that her kids would not let her buy a dog but insisted on a rescue--anything else was just not cool--so the message must be getting to the kids somehow...
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