Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Saturday I'm supposed to go pick out my "Goldendoodle" puppy from two males in the litter.  Now I'm having doubts if I'm doing the right thing and have chosen well.  Is this normal?  I've never visited any breeders so have nothing to compare these puppies with.  So a friend and I have made an appointment to visit another breeder tomorrow (Friday).  At least I will have something to compare with then.  And now another quandry.  Why do I do this to myself (keep reading)?  I keep searching ads and have found a "Labradoodle" puppy I simply adore!  And he is still available.   No time to see him before Sat. when I pick my puppy up.  In the back of my mind I keep thinking I don't have to take one of the two puppies I'm supposed to choose from if I don't like them for some reason.   Am I just being a fickle female?  I want to KNOW when I see my puppy that it's right.  Does that make sense?  And I keep telling myself I do NOT need two dogs.  haha  I think I'm just nervous and venting here.  Didn't know if anyone went through this too.


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cant wait to see  your new baby!

think of it this way......your own humane baby is born......ewww, not so cute, not the right gender.... well hell, you will love this baby as it is yours.  when my daughter was born, i used to obsess about how will she look later on, I mean most of the time newborns arent all that.......Seriously, it will be all good, this baby is yours and you will love him/her.  :)



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