Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Keeping him tied out on a leash because you do not have a fenced in yard or finding him a new home so he will have a yard to run in? Walking him every day or a dog park is not an option right now.
Ozzie does go to the vet each year for his annual checkup and shots. He has been to the vet for a couple of ear infections, a surgery for a cyst by his tail, neutered and had his teeth cleaned. I take him to have his ears defuzzed, I don't have the nerve to pull out the hair myself and to have his nails clipped. I sit on the floor with him at night and clip his hair, brush him and the best is when I give him a bath and let him lay on the floor with an afghan, he falls asleep while I am brushing him. What a baby boy....
Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. I guess I need to spend more time on here so I can make better decisions about Oz and make more friends like you all.
Ozzie is laying by feet right now. He sticks to me like glue, especially since my husband passed away. I guess he feels my sadness.
I forgot to mention that Ozzie does get exercise in the house by chasing one of the cats. I have three. My husband rescued one for Christmas three years ago because he knew I had always wanted one. A former roommate left her cat with us and never came back for it. Mick (the first cat) became so attached to it we couldn't give it up. Then Gary wanted a cat to snuggle with him in hospital bed last Christmas so I rescued another one because he was so depressed. All of the cats have been neutered, spayed and to the vet.
One of my other surgeries I did take him for walks in my wheelchair but I felt like a race horse driver... He loved it though. I can't have him walk on the side of me because if he passes in front of me I fall flat on my face. I let him have the length of the leash, which- I know- others have told me not to do that, but I can't keep him at my side or I fall.
How old is Ozzie now? If he is fully an adult; is he still full of puppy energy? Does he really need to be tied up outside or go on a daily walk? Neither of my doodles is high energy, and while they might adore a daily walk, they don't have to have it to make them tired or to behave.
I suspect while you are recovering you might not be able to care for Ozzie, but if you have people coming to help you in some way, couldn't they put his food down or let him out to pee? If you really don't have anyone to help you, I think Joanne's kind offer might be a godsend for that time so that you can concentrate on recovering.
I think if you love Ozzie and his presence is a comfort to you, your presence is probably a comfort to him. This really is a personal decision and only you can make it. We hope to support whatever you feel is best.
Is there a dk member out there who lives close enough to offer to train Ozzie to walk better on a leash so whoever walks him doesn't get pulled over?
Ozzie is four and will be five in April. He is not as rambunctious as he was before I had him neutered, but he does LOVE to be outside. My husband used to say he is the neighborhood mascot. People drive by and yell hello to him and like to drop him some treats. All of the kids walk by, try to pet him and say hello.
I do have a roommate here for an undetermined length of time that lets him in the house and out of the house when I am working. HE DOES NOT STAY TIED TO A CHAIR ALL DAY WHILE I AM AT WORK.
Like I said before I will have to take this one day at a time. I will certainly keep Joanne in mind and that was a wonderful offer by her. Thanks Joanne! I guess I am still grieving for my husband and depression goes along with that.
Ozzie is a wonderful, loyal, loving, sweet, smart, playful and very intuitive dog. I tell friends that he should be a movie dog- he's so smart. I just bought a used book by the Dog Whisperer and vowed to read this to try and keep Ozzie from jumping on people and to stop pulling me when I walk him. I do have one of those mesh harnesses that stops him from pulling so much. I've also thought about contacting Caesar to see if he would want to take Ozzie to his camp for a while. I know Oz would love the other dogs and the hikes. Oz doesn't know what to do if a dog tries to attack him, he just wants to play.
My brother's dog came over when he (Coop) was a puppy. I think Oz was two and he gave Coop his Pooh Bear when he laid down in the living room. I've never seen a dog do that before.
Thanks to all of you that have replied and I will take all of your advice to heart. Thanks so much because I can be very undecided sometimes when I am trying to make a decision.
Thanks for all of your thoughts. Ozzie is four and will be five in April. He can be rambunctious when I get home from work because he wants to walk or play. Ozzie loves to walk or run. I can tell after he hasn't walked in a few days he will follow me around looking at me as if I could read his mind that he wants to go for a walk.
I have thought about being in a cast for months and hoping that this surgery won't fail like the last one did. I do have my husband's old wheelchair and could use that. Hopefully, Ozzie won't trip me which is what happened before and now my kneecap is shot from falling so much. Falling was not only from Ozzie. I would lose my balance on the crutches if the ground was not level, etc.
Ozzie barks constantly if he is outside or inside and I go out of the house to a neighbors. He loves me and I love him. That's why this is so hard for me. I don't believe a dog will just get over it if they are given to someone else. Do you?
I will chime in with my two cents. I think you and Ozzie need each other. You have had a lot of grief and difficulty in your life. Ozzie has already lots one best friend, he needs you.
Dogs are incredibly intuitive and can adjust to almost any routine. Somebody surely will help you out with him during the first few weeks after your surgery and then even on crutches you will find a way to manage on your own. Stop thinking about rehoming him and start working out ways to manage that are free. Take Joanne up on her offer, Taylor and Akron are not that far apart. How about a 10 or 12 year old who comes morning and after school to hook Ozzie to his leash for a few minutes for the first bit of your recovery? Payment can be teaching the child how to brush, feed, and play fetch with Ozzie. Do you belong to any group? church? Usually someone organizes casseroles for post surgery friends. Ask them to organize Ozzie's need to go out and pottie for you instead. Several somebodies somewhere will make this happen. Do them a favor and reach out for help, please, they will get more out of it than you do. Really. Prayers and kind thoughts for you and Ozzie.
I am not trying to be mean, but seriously, would you like to be tethered to a chair all day? Tying him up in the backyard is essentially the same thing. There are numerous people on here offering to help you. Your pet needs exercise & deserves better than to be tied up.
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