Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Spud's foot is bothering him.  This toe could be red from licking or we think it may be this nail.  The nail is all Quick?  I really don't know much about dog's nails. Anyone?  Opinion

Should the nail's quick look like this?

The rest of the nails do not look like this at all.

But he seems to be licking all through this area from toe all the way up

This nail may have always looked this way. I have no idea and I can't remember. 

It appears the foot is bruised :( Late last night it was no longer red and he was no longer licking his foot and was darkening. It's bruising. He plays really hard and last night attempted to take a corner fast on the wood floors. He slid into the wall. Stopped, and went and laid down. He knows it is time to just take it easy. Our dogs, sometimes, are smart this way too! Ouch. We've all bruised a toe. He is walking fine. If things worsen, of course, he will see his vet

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Could there be something imbedded in his skin?  Alma had a foxtail in her paw last fall.  Her paw was red and swollen.  I took her to the vet and they took out an inch long needlelike weed! 

Those foxtails are nasty scary things! Nancie's Gracie Doodle had one that migrated half way up her leg and required surgery to remove! Terrible.

Poor Spud :( That is not fun. Would it help to keep it dry if you put the dreaded cone on? I know that is never fun. 

The quick is toward the bottom of the nail. I do think this might be an infection.

If it is a hot spot, it itches intensely. Joanne, do you have any OTC anti-itch spray? I'd use something like that to give him some relief.

Looking now. I do have Poison Ivy itch products, but I would rather have something, if in case he ingests some by licking,  would be safe. 

I will have some in the morn.  Good idea. Thank you. Just made it through another 10 minute Epsom Salt soak and thoroughly dried. He is back to sleep

Tomorrow, when he wakes up,  I'll give him a Claritin. That  may help too.

The quick is just the living tissue in the nail bed, and from the pictures it looks like the nail is in good condition and that it is the toe itself that is irritated.  Hopefully he starts to feel better soon!

Heres a diagram that should help (sorry its so huge!) :

Not too big at all. I'm old and blind and I like big pictures. Thank you

We have a lot of little debris in the yard from the storms.  Like Mother Nature made mulch. I saw him stub his toe or kind of trip even a few times but I'm not seeing a scratch.  I did remove all the hair from the area.  We are all going to sleep

I hope you all got a nights sleep.  Nail looks normal, toe not so but source of infection/reaction is not obvious without an opening so either something very small got in or this is a localized contact allergic reaction.  Treat with `antihistamine first and then if no improvement you may need a trip to the vet.  Good luck and loots of love X N,R&B

Antihistamines would help the itching, too.

This looks a lot like Stella's toe that became infected from irritation caused by allergies.  She is still on meds (steroids) for it.  Here is the link to my discussion about it with pictures:



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