Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Why would someone vandalize my Goldendoodle sticker? Dh and I decided to get away from our ever ringing phone here in Florida (will the political calls EVER stop) and went to dinner with a girlfriend. We were in the restaurant for about an hour and 20 minutes, parked in a well lite and pretty busy parking lot. While leaving, as I walk past to get to the passanger side I see that someone has vandalize my Goldendoodle sticker. Why? Why would someone do that? Right where someone could walk by and see them? Who in their right mind thinks that they have the right to not only touch someone else's property but to destroy it. I'm angry but mostly just very, very sad. What a world we live in :(
Jane, I just sent you a PM. I have a extra one of that sticker and will send it to you tomorrow if you would like.
How nice of you, Joe!
Sent you a message back and please see my message to you below.
What a shame. My thought was the same as Joanne's, that they tried to peel the sticker off to steal it. So sorry this happened.
Wow - what wonderful people we have on Doodle Kisses. Joe R. sent me an email and he does have an extra of this very sticker that he has offered to send to me. I'm REALLY CRYING now - what a very nice thing for Joe to do for one doodle mom with a hurting heart!!!!! Joe - you are a HERO in my book. Thank you so very much! We have some things in common too - we both have 2 doods and we each have 1 that is a rescue. Thank you again so much!!!!
Your welcome Jane. I just put it in the envelope and will drop it in the mail first thing in the morning.
Thank you so very much!!! What a kind thing for you to do!!!
I'm sorry to see that some hateful person got their jollies at your expense Jane. At first I thought sticker stealer, but it would have been obvious on the first scraping that it wasn't coming off. So my guess is it was just some ignorant person.
Thanks Sheila - it was someone hateful as they had to keep scraping to get those sections off. Just when I lose hope in my fellow man - Joe comes along and reminds me that there are nice people still out there!!!
So sorry to hear this. People can really be cruel :(
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