Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Ive read on the main page to PULL OUT the hair in their ears. This seems very painfull. What is everyones thought and how many do this and how? I notice my 10 week old has alot of ear hair now and realize it will grow more but pulling it out seems harsh


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That is what our groomer did for his ear hair. That is the only way to get the entire folicle out. Brody yelped so loud when they were doing it I felt horrible. I wouldn't be able to do that to him myself so I have the pros do it. If there is another way I would like to know as we'll bc I feel bad doing it

When my dog was little older than yours, I wanted him to get use to being groomed and took him to groomer where they can get puppies use to walk up tubs, blow dryers, brushes and being handled on grooming table. They also took the hair out of ears-they twirled small scissors around and around and pulled. He didn't want them to be patient and just get your dog use to the tools and environment. My dog loves baths and water-and the attention he gets at groomers. I would take him to groomer and have them show you the best way. They did not charge much for it.

My vet also takes hair out when I see them for anything. Vet says due to the long floppy ears and all that hair they will get infected easy. But I live in Florida where its hot and humid so it may not be an issue where you live.

Oh my. Lets just clarify,I'm positive the tool used to twirl round and round was not a scissors!! Just don't want anyone else reading this trying this technique with a scissors. Don't!
I'm positive no groomer uses a scissors inside the ear canal. The tool used is a hemostat tool. Fingers work really well for us non- pros

I know the groomers here will have advice on how to make it less painful.  However, with my dog, we do not ever strip the hair out of one of his ears because there has been no reason to.  The other ear has a chronic yeast infection very deep, and that ear does get stripped pretty regularly in order to remove the yeast-friendly environment.  I have always believed, and still do, that stripping the ear when there is no real need to do so just creates irritation and an inviting environment for yeast or infections, plus it puts the dog through unnecessary discomfort.  That is why we do not strip the healthy ear.  I don't believe it's necessary at all, unless there is a health reason to do so.  I suggest you wait and see if your dog develops ear issues before making it go through this process. 

Very much agree. If it is not broke, don't fix it.

Just my observation, but the F1b doodles seem to have more hair . But Dunno

Nope.  Mine, with more hair in his ears than my vet has ever seen in any dog (and she treats a lot of poodles and doodles), is an F1.  I'm sure it's all got to do with genetics.

I agree totally.

I completely agree, Trudy. The only ear infection 5 year old Kona ever has had was after his ear hair was pulled out by a groomer. I stopped them and now groom them myself and no more ear infections. 

Not everyone's pages. Many of our doodles just don't need hair removed. I've had two doodles; one it is a must, the other never needed to be touched.
Can you see down the ear canal? Can a good air flow be achieved in the ear. It really just depends. Many dogs do better if you leave the ear alone.
If you have a doodle with too much ear hair I found ear powder works best. Use it one day, the next day clean ears.
I've also found the fast and painful way not as good as the slower gentler method. And, I'm not a vet or groomer so the grab and go method caused more harm than good. We had our share of ear imfections so I am vigilant with my doodle Spud.
What I do is use the ear powder, then with my index and thumb fingers gently just pull out tufts of hair. About 5 times, then let the ear and the dog settle down. The next day, do alittle more.
In the outside you can trim away all hair underneath and around the ear for airflow.

I have liter mates and one has lots of ear hair (Lucy) and the other almost none (Sophie).  I will sometimes trim Lucy's up with the scissors but I'm sort of the If it isn't broke don't fix it like Joanne said!  We haven't had many ear issues so I just don't mess with it!

I clean my doodles ears regularly. I keep the ear canal hair and the hair beneath the ear short but I do not pull the ear. It is painful and if your dog can be kept infection free without pulling I'd recommend against it.

Another idea - ask your vet. My vet was pretty frustrated with me but I had him show me over and over how to do this myself. I paid for the lesson :) so good enough.
Ask your vet does your dog need to have this done to the ears. If so, ask your vet to show you how



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