Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My mini doodle Anderson Cooper has that crazy fur that's not curly but shaggy and looks like it could mat when he grow a bit (he's 12 weeks). I am totally lost in the world of grooming supplies. Can someone point me in the direction of what I should get to take care of his coat? Thanks!

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It all depends on what YOU like... both my doodles have different coats, Sasha is VERY poodley and Oliver is curly but not as tight curl as Sasha.  I use a bunch of different brushes, I even have a human brush that I use on them.  I personally like a siffer wire bristle brush, it stands up to the tight curls that Sasha has and it gets thru the tangles really well.  I think we all have purchased brushes, combs, etc. that we use and there are ones that we don't like... its kind of trial and error.  One bit of advise, the more pricy the brush the better the brush in lots of cases.  I spend lots of money on cheapo brushes only to have them fall apart or break.

Thanks for the quick response!

Hi Carol,

Have you joined the Grooming Group?

Many use the expensive Les Pooche Brush.  There are other recommendations in the many discussions in that group

This link  has photos of Les Pooche Brushes to show you what they look like


Joining now! Thanks for suggesting that! This website is mind boggling and I'm just now getting the hang of it

You should write Kemp at the Doodle Country Store, he is the expert, here is his link.

He knows everything about Les Poochs grooming brush, they are pricey but most everyone loves them. Daisy does not mat and we don't have for that reason.

Good Luck!

Going to check that out right now. Thanks for the suggestion!

Carol, it does really depend upon the coat.  Coats that are more high maintenance need good quality brushes like the LesPouchs and Kemp at Store can really help you.  Coats that don't mat easily benefit from good quality brushes but it isn't a necessity.  My Ned (Australian Labradoodle) had a puppy coat that looked a bit like your profile photo of Anderson Cooper.  If so, I suggest you get the best brush you can get and you won't regret it.  You also need a steel comb.  First you brush, then you comb. Lots of work but if you want to keep the coat mat-free and not short, that is the way to go.  You will also need products like Cowboy Magic to apply to the mats to help you brush them out.  Join the grooming group - lots of advice there from those of us who have been there and done that.

Thanks so much! I will take your advice. It's been great not doing anything the past few weeks but I know that is quickly coming to an end!

You are very wise to get on top of this while the puppy is not matting. You can get him used to being brushed when he has no snarls (which is sometimes a chore). You may have to start by brushing and treating often. The whole grooming process is a time for bonding and enjoying one another. My guys know when they are brushed they will get a treat when I am done... they are 5 and 2 now. Good luck! (I highly recommend the Les Poochs brush!)

I don't have a tip for you, because we don't have our pup yet. But I HAD to tell you that i LOVE the name you gave him! So awesome!

I would say definitely get a metal comb and keep up with the brushing if you feel like he is going to mat. My groomer always tells me simba is one of the few dogs with very few knots and mats - I think it is because of the regular combing. I also use the Furminator brush for mine because he sheds..a lot. lol. But that doesn't help with the knots. 

Investing in a good brush and comb is essential. Our two doodles have two very different coats. Ellie's coat is slightly curly, thick and doesn't mat. Easy, easy to maintain. On the other hand, our Ollie was high maintenance before I found the right tools to help with his coat. The two tools that I have found to work for us is the Les Pooche brush and the Chris Christensen's staggered tooth buttercomb. Both tools are expensive, but I don't have to keep buying cheaper ones to see if one will work better than the last one that I bought.

The staggered tooth buttercomb is $40 but is made to help take out mats. It can be found at
Click grooming tools--combs ----- staggered comb is the last one on page. LOVE THIS COMB!!! Kemp can help you with a Les Pouche brush. BEST BRUSH EVER! Some dogs need to be brushed more and Ollie is one of them.

One additional idea, we changed the food that we were feeding him. He was on Eukanuba (a mid grade food) filled with by products and changed him to a more balanced food filled with nutrients. (Fromms) His coat definitely changed from being fed a better grade food. His coat is much easier to maintain. He still will get mats if I don't brush him a couple times a week, but we are both happier because of finding great grooming tools and changing his food.



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