Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Let's Play Another Round of Snap, Caption, and Post! Coming to you from Doris and Knox!

Nearly six weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to be selected by Cheryl and Finnegan as the winner of  Round 16 of the Snap, Caption, and Post contest and I won the opportunity to receive the infamous "I Love Intercourse, PA" t-shirt. Being from Texas, most of y'all have figured out that I am a deep-rooted Southern Belle and Laurie -- y'all know which one -- had just weeks earlier posted a picture of me in my formal wear on the Doodle Cruise.  In case you have forgotten or weren't part of this DK madness yet, here is what she so kindly posted:

Part of my delay in doing this post is that this particular dress has been at the cleaners for an upcoming event, but I finally decided, what the heck, there's no need to be formal around here! It's DK, after all!  Luckily my friend Lisa was in town and I had her take these pics on a beautiful afternoon in my normal every day clothes, except for the t-shirt, of course:


Knox wanted his turn in the shirt and since y'all know I've never told my sweet boy "NO", I sure wasn't going to start now and deprive him of this simple pleasure.  So...we did a quick switch-er-roo:

I'm sure y'all are thinking that I must be a bit "over the top" to have a shirt with my doodle's name on it, but I want you to know that it's a liberal arts (I think) college somewhere in Indiana and I'm it's BIGGEST FAN!  Knox is trying to tell y'all not to listen to that bunch of garbage, but I promise I have never lied to y'all...yet.

SO:   NOW FOR THE CONTEST PART OF THIS!  This is the pic that I would like to be captioned.

I'm going to be in and out for the next few days, so let's set the contest to end at NOON (Central time) on Saturday, December 8th!  That is the same day the Heisman Trophy winner is announced and we can all celebrate THIS winner and Texas A&M's JOHNNY "FOOTBALL" MANZIEL.  Didn't know that Southern Belles like football, did ya??


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Doris, you are just the cutest little Southern Belle since Melanie Wilkes! I never realized that The Shirt was just crying out to be accessorized with a parasol! Perfection! The photos are terrific and Knox does The Shirt proud, too!

I do have to point out one tiny error in this otherwise wonderful post. Knox College is in Illinois, not Indiana. I know they are both in the Midwest and both start with "I", so I can understand your confusing them, but there's an easy way to tell them apart. Illinois has Chicago, and me. Indiana, she moved out, she moved out

See? It's easy, Y'all!

I have already had the pleasure of a visit from The Shirt and do not care to repeat the experience. But here's my caption:

"Darn! How do those chameleons make this camouflage thing look so easy????"


Good one, Karen. Indiana also has my MOTHER :) LOL

Thank you for helping me make my case.



Dang it!!!  I KNEW IT WAS ILLINOIS, Karen!  My fingers just mis-typed!!  Honestly, when my DH saw me in that shirt, I promised him that it had nothing to do with Knox and that it was a nice small liberal arts college in ILLINOIS that I was wanting to support.  My fingers have always gotten the two states confused but my mind hasn't.  Really, I'm their new biggest fan and I know exactly where they are! Everyone in my family is getting "Knox" t-shirts and sweatshirts for Christmas!

I'm glad you didn't say that Indiana has corn because then I would have had to have busted out with the wonderful Indiana Beach commercial slogan that is forever ingrained in my mind.  "Indiana Beach...located on BEAUTIFUL Lake Shaffer.  Proving once again that there IS more than corn in Indiana."  Crap....I couldn't stop myself.  I swear that commercial won't ever leave my head.  ever.

Amy, thank you for proving my point again. Of course I didn't say corn, we have more of that, too:

"As of 2008, the top four corn-producing states were Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, and Minnesota, together accounting for more than half of the corn grown in the United States."

Hmmm....don't see Indiana there, do you?

Way to class things up Doris!  You look maaavelous darling!  I will also play along (just for fun):

Dang that low tide!  One minute you're swimming, the next you're flapping around like a beached whale!

Haha, me classy??  Can't wait to tell my DD!! Thanks, BG!

This playing for fun is killing me, y'all!!   This is a funny one!!

Pretty funny BG!!!!

Gotta hand this one to you BG.

Oh, I like this one Brucegirl !



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