Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

IF Daisy could talk I am sure she would be just like this little girl

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"As well she SHOULD be!! LOL!"

Karen, it seems the little Daisy impersonator has struck a "chord" with you!! LOL!!

LOL, I still don't see where she is is anything like Daisy, but she definitely struck something!

Seems like she struck a raw nerve as well she might have : )

Thank goodness she can't talk then : )


Hilarious F.

Haha Lisa! You are living in my world! Rosey demands attention (and gets it) wherever we go!

OH MY GOSH that is so funny and so cute at the same time!  My DH and I are still laughing!

I just bet that sweet little angel was trying to follow instructions and 'sing out'. I'm sure Daisy would follow your instructions with a golden heart, too. Hopefully her vocals are a tad better. :)

I am telling all of you right now, Daisy is L O U D loud! She was loud as a puppy...the first time she barked she sounded like a 50 lb German Sheppard, DH and I bout died.

Her attention comes from her looks and sweet ways though.




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