Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
we are looking for a new food for Midas. we are switching to adult food from Purina one large puppy (which was what the breeder had been giving him) we bought science diet, but heard it is no good. what should we buy? we hear Blue Buffalo is great..but now im reading many dogs diarrhea and can cause liver damage! we are looking into the orijen brand.. any tips? about to go buy food and take pics with santa! lol
sorry im posting here and not in food group..but i need answers fast! :)
Chelsea, I'm sure we've mentioned this before, but please join the Food Group. We have a whole list of all the recommended brands and hundreds of discussions about food. No, Science Diet is NOT a good food. I don't know what on earth you are looking at, Blue Buffalo does not cause liver damage, that's absurd. Any food can give any dog diarrhea. Orijen is the best quality kibble you can buy, but not right for every dog. All this info and lots more in TFG.
a lot of comments on the dogfoodadvisor website said it gave their dogs diarrhea and could cause liver damage... not sure how true it was... just wondering if anyone here had any bad experiences with blue buffalo as well... i think we are going to try the orjien... karen what do u feed? does orijen improve the coat? vet said Midas coat is a little dry...
Chlesea, again, all of this info is in The Food Group. You will find people who have had bad experiences with any product in the world all over the website. That's why you need to know who is giving the opinion and what their background/edcuation/experience is. The link below is not the dog food advisor, it's a discussion forum and means nothing. The whole point of The Food Group is so you won't have to go finding anecdotal information all over the internet from God knows who.
I am sure there are people here whose dogs did not do well with Blue Buffalo, just as there are people whose dogs did not do well with every food out there, including Orijen. There is no one perfect food for every dog, they are all different, just like people are.
Jack is not healthy and cannot eat most commercial foods. He is on a special limited ingredeint diet, much of it homemade. If i were getting a new puppy, I would feed Orijen or Acana (made by Champion Foods.)
Lots of info in TFG about dry coats, etc. please take a look.
Karen did feed Orijen but her doodle now needs a special diet since he's been ill. She home cooks part of it. For dry coats you can try Evening Primrose Oil or Fish Oil. All this information can be searched for if you go to all discussions in the FG.
This is absolute garbage, and completely proves my point.
Here's the Recommended Brands list:
(And just out of curiosity, how is posting this question in the main forum faster than posting it in TFG, or even just checking the FG's list? )
Really!! No one tends to a group better than Karen ( and me : ). The Food Group has more information and you'll get better responses just as quick. I feed Acan but there are lots of good choices.
i felt like more people look a the latest discussions before the groups so i wanted to get some quick responses.. what is the latest discussions tab for then?
An important difference is that people in the groups get e-mail notifications when a new discussion or new comment is posted there, but not from new discussions in the general forum.
With 10,000 members, so many discussions get posted that the new ones can very quickly drive not-very-old ones off the bottom of the list on the home page!
ooohhhh ok that make sense... often times i look at the groups and it says they have been active for i thought people werent checking them..i didnt know they got emails...thats good to know! thank you!! :)
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