Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
so my sister has a standard poodle..toy poodle..and lhasa apso.. and her dogs cant waittttt to go to bed with her (that sounds wrong lol) they stand at the top of the stairs wagging their tails and walking towards her bedroom and then back..almost to lure her to bed.. Midas will be 8 months old and he goes to bed with us..but its like putting a little kid to bed..he isnt always ready for bed..he will be chewing his bone and jump on the bed off the bed on the bed off the bed.. and finally fall all dogs eventually love bed time? and if so at what age to the like to go to bed for the night?
also will ur dog stay in bed with u til like 1030am if u sleep in one day without having to be let out at like 7/8 am?
I get up at 5:15 during the week and am lucky if I can sleep in till 5:45 on the weekend. But I like to sleep in on the weekend so it is a quick trip out to potty and then breakfast and back to bed for 2-3 hours. They never used to go back to bed but now that I live in Seattle and we don't have the sun lighting up the room in the mornings, I have been given the wonderful gift of lazy weekend mornings (after the potty breaks and breakfast of course!!)
thats what ive been doing..up for pee pee and and breakfast and then back to bed lol
Max loves to go to bed, and now that he's two, he's even gone down to the bedroom without me a couple of times because I'm still busy when he thinks we should be sleeping. Since he was a puppy he's been full of vim and vinegar, ready to race around and meet people, so it's sweet that he's slowing down to go to sleep these days. It seems strange to me, but Max is the first and only dog I've lived with who loves to sleep in, and complains with constant rumbling vocalizations if I insist on getting up before he's finished his beauty rest. Then he drags his butt out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, making it clear that he's only giving up his warm bed because he loves me. It's hilarious. He must have a bladder the size of Lake Eerie because he is never in a rush to get out to pee in the morning. He can be up and outside for an hour before he squats for a very long, long, long, long pee. If I sleep in I'm certain he feels like he's won the lottery.
haha LOVE this!! <3
Teddy doesn't sleep with us, he falls asleep at our feet when we're siting on the couch in the living room, or he goes to his "spot" in the living room and curls up and falls asleep at around 8:00. Recently, he has started wanting to sleep in his spot, instead of in the kitchen behind the baby gate. He won't want to move from his spot to go to bed, and once I get him to move, he'll run to the stairs for hugs and then back to his spot. I end up having to herd him into the kitchen like a sheep! I can't wait until he can be trusted to sleep outside of the kitchen!
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