Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Harpo has done it again.  He has poison oak (I think the sixth time this year).  We did the technu with warm wash cloth this evening and he loves having his belly rubbed with warm wash cloths, but poor guy.  At least I have not gotten it from him this year.  Maybe my resistance has improved, at least it is better than his.


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Oh Lynda.... I cn't even imagine. We'd be in a lot of trouble in this household.... As I react very poorly to poison oak! Hope Harpoon gets to feeling better soon and that you continue to be in the clear!

Oh, I think part of it is that Harpo and Groucho love to be off leash and run free which is very doable in this area.  We were riding our bikes out at Ft. Ord on Tuesday and the dogs were running along with us.  They occasionally got into the bushes, but I thought the poison oak was over for this year.  Charlie took them over to the race track near our house and they were cutting trails on Thursday and he started scratching immediately.  However, I think it was from Tuesday.  I am very susceptable to poison oak and have had it three times internally, but not recently. 

Oh my.... Just noticed the auto correct error when I typed Harpo! My apologies :)

Some dogs are susceptable to poison oak and get it on the areas of their bodies where there is not much hair.  Harpo gets it on his belly, his ear flaps (insides), and around his eyes.  My other labradoodle also used to get it in the same areas.  In the summer, when it is hot, they like to lie down in the shade under the oak trees and that is where the poison oak grows.  However, my goldendoodle (lots of hair) has never had poison oak.  I think that the skin is irritated by the oil with some dogs.  When they just get the oil on their hair, they can transfer that oil to humans but it doesn't irritate their skin. 

Actually, Sandy, I have gotten it from smoke when poison oak had burned, but I don't think it is a pollen problem.  It is the oil that causes the outbreaks.  BTW, if you are allergic to poison oak, you may also have problems with cashew nuts and mangos.  I found that out in Brazil when I was cooking cashews on the ground in a fire and the smoke had the oil in it.  I made medical journals with the outbreak I got from that.  Also the skin of mangos has the same oil in it.  Supposedly the fruit doesn't bother you, but peeling it and touching the skin can cause an outbreak.  Once, (when I was pregnant) I craved mangos and my husband got one and peeled it for me, but I still had an outbreak around my mouth.  Funny stuff - it apparently is an enzyme that is in all those things.  Technu neutralizes the enzyme and gives some relief.

Kona has gotten poison oak, and I invariably get it from the dogs. I'm glad you didn't get it this time. Maybe the technu rubdown helped you, too! I hope so.

Where does Kona get it?  The belly is the area that is most likely effected because they can lie down in the poison oak and there is not much hair on their bellies.  I haven't had it for a while, but we buy Technu by the quart.

Yup, on his belly. 

Oh Lynda that sucks :(  I did not even have to touch poison oak and I would get it so bad when I was younger.  Some of my summers were awful... I did not know dogs could get PO - I think there is something on the market as a OTC med that you can put on to prevent it.  Poor baby I know how he feels, are you giving him anything at least for the itching?

No, nothing for the itching, but the Technu neutralizes the enzyme that causes the rash.  My doctor told me to drink milk from a goat that eats the poison oak to build up immunity, but this is hard to find even around here.  I don't want to keep a goat, feed them poison oak, and drink the milk to build immunity.  I guess I have built some immunity just from having it so many times.  I hope Harpo does the same.

Poor Harpo was a mess this morning.  He had it in his ears, on his eyes, and the leg and belly area.  He let me put the Technu on him but then crawled under the Christmas tree.  When Groucho went back to check on him he jumped up and over went the tree.  Both dogs were quite alarmed, as were my husband and I.  Just another day on the home front!

OMD! Doodle mania. Poison oak makes me feel crazy too. I think I could jump a Christmas tree when I've been itching badly! Poor, poor Harpo!

Take him swimming in the ocean!  We have found that to be the quickest cure.  You are near the ocean so give it a try. :-}



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