Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

A few days ago I was watching TV and they were interviewing a guy named Neil Pasricha who is the author of a book called The Book of Awesome. He said something that struck a chord, he said “Life is so great that we only get a tiny moment to enjoy everything we see. That moment is right now. And that moment is counting down. And that moment is always, always fleeting. You will never be as young as you are right now.”
 His premise is that there are awesome little things that happen to us every day and we just need to stop and take a moment to appreciate them. With all the bad that happens in this world every day, we miss out on all the little things that bring us just a slight bit of pleasure.


Quincy and I want to wish you all a Happy Holiday, no matter what or where you celebrate we wish you peace and joy.

Some awesome things that happened to me today.

I went to Walmart to return something, there was no lineup just me. Awesome


We went for a walk on the golf course and ran into Quincy's doodle friend Molly ( who is absolutely adorable) two doodle romping in the snow. Awesome

I tried a Blueraspberry Martini. Awesome


This time of the year is especially hectic so slow down and share something awesome that happened to you.


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Awesome photo and a great philosophy.  Nothing awesome today yet, but I am going to give my dh a thankyou for all the awesome things he does for me.

Thank you Nancy, it's awesome that you have a wonderful DH. :>)

Working outside in the yard in December and having five days to spend with Hattie is pretty awesome.

This Awesome post made me smile....mmmm....well....the post is was really that photo of Awesome Quincy that made me smile!    Hugs to you both!   I think it's awesome that we all get to share just a little bit of our lives with one another!

I've had the flu....and today I finally feel AWESOME!   And grateful!

Thanks Carol, the responses to this post have made me smile and that is another awesome thing. I'm glad you are feeling better, having the flu is definitely not awesome.

Great post.... Earlier today Shelby and I did a 4.5 mile off leash hike with our friend Maggie and her doodle Tucker and boxer Paddington. It's been months since the dogs have gotten to spend time together. Maggie and I got to catch up with each other during our hike. It was awesome!!!

I am on day 3 of a 12 day holiday break.... I am so happy for all the down time and quality time with Shelby - AWESOME!

Thanks Christine, enjoy all those days off and the hike sounds wonderful. We had rain today and our winter wonderland has gone but no worries it will be back.

That's a great quote! I copied to post on my Facebook.
Thank you for the reminder. I often forget the little moments that I should enjoy.
Awesome things today... Have no plans during the day so I got to sleep in and hang out with my pups, later I will treat myself to a mani/pedi :)

Joanna, I think it's human nature to forget the little things and we need a reminder every now and then. Your day sounds awesome to me.

Love this, Donna! My DH and I are getting ready to spend tomorrow with our son's family. We grocery shopped together (a chore I hate when I do it alone). Picked up a few last minute gifts and now we are cooking together. I am so grateful that we are taking this time together today in the midst of all the busy-ness of the holidays. My doodles have been cuddly on this rainy dark day. ;o)

Thanks Bonnie, it is awesome to spend some quality time with those you love. Have a great holiday.

What a very awesome statement!  One truly has to stop realize how short life really is and it is the little everyday things that make all of us who we are and define our happiness.



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