Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
A few days ago I was watching TV and they were interviewing a guy named Neil Pasricha who is the author of a book called The Book of Awesome. He said something that struck a chord, he said “Life is so great that we only get a tiny moment to enjoy everything we see. That moment is right now. And that moment is counting down. And that moment is always, always fleeting. You will never be as young as you are right now.”
His premise is that there are awesome little things that happen to us every day and we just need to stop and take a moment to appreciate them. With all the bad that happens in this world every day, we miss out on all the little things that bring us just a slight bit of pleasure.
Quincy and I want to wish you all a Happy Holiday, no matter what or where you celebrate we wish you peace and joy.
Some awesome things that happened to me today.
I went to Walmart to return something, there was no lineup just me. Awesome
We went for a walk on the golf course and ran into Quincy's doodle friend Molly ( who is absolutely adorable) two doodle romping in the snow. Awesome
I tried a Blueraspberry Martini. Awesome
This time of the year is especially hectic so slow down and share something awesome that happened to you.
I think we should all try and find at least one awesome thing every day and we probably wouldn't have to look too hard.
Donna, I love this discussion. It is awesome :) This morning I had Vern cuddled up on one side of me on the couch and Fudge on the other side and I actually said out loud, "How did I get so lucky?" Awesome!
The filling is a doodle sandwich, how awesome is that?
Lots of awesome in my day today....
-started this morning at church when people that we don't really even know (have no idea what their names are) brought our son a baseball cap from the college where he went on a "special inclusion program". I guess walking out of church at some point he told them.
-Tim's "belly laugh" in the car that always makes my heart sing.
-Coming home to find that Murph did not "lunge" at the front door the whole time we were gone and the gate was still "in tact". Good boy, big Murph!!!
-I found peonies (my favorite flower) at the grocery store in DECEMBER! WTD, how does that even happen. They are gorgeous and smell wonderful.
-The smell of vanilla out of the bottle....I'm a "sniffer" while I bake very favorite scent.
-Gift bags and "sparkly" tissue paper...the new Christmas wrapping.
My world was so full of awesome...thanks so much for this reminder Donna. I just "liked" it on Facebook so I can keep being reminded every day.
Jane, You did have lots of awesome in your day, we just don't stop to realize just how awesome these things are. I'm a sampler when I make cookies and I made three lots today. I had a lot of samples, awesome.
ALWAYS smell the vanilla!!!:)
Love this post Donna!
All my Christmas presents are purchased, wrapped and under the tree and I never visited a single store. Did it all on line this year! I know some enjoy the Christmas shopping experience but for me this is AWESOME!
Ricki, you are my hero !! I hate the shopping experience !
Ricki that`s perfect, I think I will do that next year. I did some shopping online this year but I need to do more, the shopping experience is not on my awesome list.
I do that every night when I go to bed, have for a long time. I think of something that I saw, or did during my day that was either awesome, or that I was thankful for. There is ALWAYS something !
Today's was, my son-in-law is improving very quickly since his surgery, and I thank the special DK folks that said a prayer for him. Also, I saw a crow flying with a McDonalds bag hanging from its feet.... THAT was awesome.... and funny !!
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