Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As we get ready to implement a new series of welcoming and informative emails to new members to help guide them once they join, I'd like your input on a few things:

-- What do new members need to know?

-- What do they need to know first...what's most important?

-- What do they need to know next...and after that?

Mainly I want to get your feedback on what is most critical for new members to learn and what is important for them to learn over a period of time as they settle into DK membership.  We want to ensure they feel welcome, now how to navigate, can find answers to common questions, etc.

When we're done, anyone who wants to get what new members get will be able to sign up for the emails.

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Now that is funny! And some of us are rapidly getting oldish at least. Yesterday I saw a movie about two women in their 80's and I felt young : ) I do appreciate when someone at least mentions they've searched and just what it was that wasn't found.

Fair enough. This will be my DK New Years resolution if I think I might e posting a repeat. Um.... Ok so I had to google Geritol. I confess lol.

Yes, a thing of the past I hope.

Thanks, Theresa. When I said that about being old, I was just trying to make F feel better and not so alone :)


I was just sayin....I spit a little coffee at that one Laurie...LOL!!!

WTD is STILL wrong with DK?!

A lot: )

Oh Laurie, your kindness knows no bounds.

Tips for search on the site, or instructions on how to limit the search on Google! I always find the big G more helpful than the search function on this site, because bringing up multiple comments in the same discussion isn't all that useful for me- I can't sort through them in a hurry. Also, we have "what to look for in a breeder". How about "Considering a Doodle" to address the personality, lifestyle questions, etc.

Oh, and maybe this isn't a new member thing, but titling your post "Please help" or "URGENT" doesn't get my attention anymore. I prefer "Puppy Eating like a Fiend" or "Training your child to stop bothering your dog"!

"Training your child to stop bothering your dog" could be my favorite discussion ever! LOL

Well, I was going to call it "Puppy biting/snapping/growling at my kid" but decided I would do the answer to that question instead!



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