Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I call my girls and all other Doodles.....Doodles

I have heard Doods use more often lately, I personally dislike the name "doods". Where did it start? We have been around for 7 years and the year before on MySpace always Doodles.....oh yes, I brought out MySpace :)

I don't know why "doods" makes my skin crawl, but it does. I find myself correcting people when they say it. As in "my Dood is laying at my feet right now" I will say " Oh, I love DOODLE snuggles" and will say Doodle till they stop saying Doods....I know it sounds crazy, but I really can not stand it!

My post is what you use when referencing your dogs DOODLE or DOODS?

Anyone else hate DOODS as much as me?

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I often refer to my two as "doods" as In "Let's get the doods together" mostly when texting or emailing, kind of a short version of doodles. But I don't call them "doods" although I don't mind it. As I get older, less and less of this kind of stuff bothers me, although it does make me pause when someone calls a girl/woman "Man" Like "Hey man, or "Ya know Man" or "I hear ya Man"

I use doodle more - now that we have a child, I use the term "doodle sister Peri" and "chihuahua brother Taquito" when I am referring to them.  Or I just say "doggy" like Adina :)

I used it for my 2 guys but I use it because it is like "Dudes" and my 2 doods are pretty crazy dudes sometimes.  :)  I don't normally use it in conversation, just more with typing

hmmm...some days my guy is a"doodle" and some days he's more of a "dood" so I guess the term's never really bothered me.  I wouldn't call a girl a "dood" though. And I wouldn't normally call Finn a doggie. I have some standards LOL. 



I use the term fairly frequently when playfully referring to male doodles on DK-Gavin, Darwin, Murphy and others just seem like fun loving "doods" to me. Now, Tara on the other hand I refer to as a Doodess. This is the canine equivalent of Princess or Countess and is the proper term to be used for a female doodle. :)

"Doodess"....I love that and it's perfect for Tara.

I Doodess reserved for only females?  I frequently refer to Cubbie as a Diva because he is picky about his food, his toys, his grooming, his spot on the couch, the list goes on and on really.

Amy, it sounds like Cubbie has earned the title! LOL

I found a tshirt on clearance at Petsmart that was pink and said "princess" on the back.  I was going to buy it for Cubbie as a joke but DH wasn't having it. 

I think you dislike it because it sounds like what some young men use, "Dudes".  "Hey Dude" is a greeting, but not used for doodles.  Dude or dood?  I don't use them although I have male doodles, but I also don't like the expression "Doods".  Just my opinion.  I think some people refer to their male doodle as a "Dude" or :Dood".

Could be, but it really makes me cringe
Doodle is sweet, cute, which is what DOODLES are.... Doods are....... Well, I guess I can except males being called Doods but I will never say it! :D lol



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