Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I call my girls and all other Doodles.....Doodles

I have heard Doods use more often lately, I personally dislike the name "doods". Where did it start? We have been around for 7 years and the year before on MySpace always Doodles.....oh yes, I brought out MySpace :)

I don't know why "doods" makes my skin crawl, but it does. I find myself correcting people when they say it. As in "my Dood is laying at my feet right now" I will say " Oh, I love DOODLE snuggles" and will say Doodle till they stop saying Doods....I know it sounds crazy, but I really can not stand it!

My post is what you use when referencing your dogs DOODLE or DOODS?

Anyone else hate DOODS as much as me?

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I am going to do a word search in DK and see who started this! I will be back!
Haha! First post here June 2008...
I'm on my iPad so the picture is not posting correctly but Rob did it! Lol

Why does it not surprise me that it was a guy, lol?

i just search the discussions that I have replied to and I'm guilty of using it on more than one occassion. 

i'm actually a repeat offender


I don't hate doods but I usually say doodles. I have been calling the doodles boys since it's easier than boys and girls so sometimes , just to be fair, I say things like, "Let's go girls."

It is confusing when you have one of each....what do you call plural doodles of different sex? I usually say "come on guys" , or "Good Puppies" I guess Bella's not really a guy, but it does seem more generic than "Good boys".
I'm thinking they just hear the tone of your voice more than the actual words. It's not like Bella will not come if I say Lets go boys, and wait for me to say Lets go girls. Ha, this cracks me up even thinking she'd wait no matter what I said. If Murphy's up and going, she's hot on his trail.
I always say doodles. I never heard/saw doods until people started using it on Facebook. If I've ever typed "doods" it's because I'm lazy but in my mind I'm saying "doodles" even if I abbreviate it to "doods".

Both.  However doods is a tiny bit shorter than doodles so.....



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