Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It's Knox here.  My mom told me to put "y'all" in the title to get your attention and I hoped it worked!  I just had to share the news about my mom's big award with you and thought it was only fitting that I write her "whoopee" discussion.   I would hate for you to think that it's all about me, but I want to make it perfectly clear that FLASH had absolutely NOTHING to do with her getting this award.  She earned her addicted status back in April, LONG before he weaseled his way into our lives. Clearly, her addiction can be fully attributed to ME...well, me and perhaps a few random rescues.  I can remember when she happened across this crazy site.  It was in the Spring of 2010 when I was only a few months old and she lurked around for quite a while before ever saying a word.  My dad says that he fondly remembers life before DK as that was when she still had time to clean, cook and do other things that I can't mention in mixed company.  Nevertheless, my mom has met alot of friends -- local and far away-- for both of us, and what can be better than that? Why oh why she had to venture over to the DRC website is an question that I'll save for another day, but suffice it to say that my mom has enjoyed every bit of being a member of DK and is thrilled to officially be a HOPELESS DOODLE ADDICT!  Just between you and me, she has always been a bit HOPELESS, but now she has something legitimate to attach to it...sort of.

Before I show you the pics that Christine (Shelby's mom) took, I want to thank Ginny and her gang for sending us such a nice package! Flash and I LOVED the toys and treats and mom says that she's anxious to try the goodies that Ginny sent for her.  If I gave kisses to anyone, I'd give one to Ginny for the great surprises!

Now for the pics.  Please ignore Flash.  I really wanted this to be a "Mom and Knox Event" but he kept butting in.  Even Courtney thought that she needed to make an appearance and since she's old and mean, I didn't argue. 

I'm not good at putting captions where they need to be, so let's just go from the beginning to the end...



My mom said to tell all of y'all that she's so honored to have this award and that it will be making its way somewhere soon!  I'm secretly hoping that she will send Flash along with it : )   Just kidding...sort of...

Your friend,



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Knox you are so entertaining!  Besides being adorable. Big congratulations and a southern-style woohoo! to your mom for her well deserved HDA status! We all know and love that you had a hand in driving her to "hopeless!" It couldn't have been us!!!  She is a SCP rock star!  And you gotta admit Knox -- Flash and your mom are pretty darn adorable too!

Blushing here in Texas, Cheryl!  SCP?  Not sure what that is, but I'm hoping it's something good!  Coming from you, it must be, right????

Of course!  Wait a minute .... nowonder you don't's's SPC (snap, post, caption)!  I throw my hat into the "hopeless" category.

Cheryl, I wasn't even thinking along those lines!  It is Snap, caption, post or SCP.  You had it right the first time!  My bad. 

I'm thinking you're still hopeless!  On DK, that's a good thing : )

Congrats Doris!! You, Knox, Flash and Courtney could not be cuter!  Looks like Ginny was very good to y'all.

Thanks, BG!  Ginny was DA BOMB! 

Those are really cute!

They are from but Christine has located more websites!  I'll pass them on later!

Knox you did a nice job of turning your mom into an HDA ALL ON YOUR OWN without any help from YOU KNOW WHO! And the fact that you CHOSE to share your treasures with him just proves even more what a great guy are! WTG big dood! Hugs from TaraBear!

P.S. My mom says to tell your mom "Congrats y'all"!

Thanks, TaraBear!  I was able to get my mom addicted easily!!  She was a goner from the time she picked me up!  I did share my treasures with him, but dang it if he didn't destroy them!!  You're lucky that you're an only-doodle!  My mom says "thanks" to your mom!

Yay!!!  Great pics =)  Knox, you know you like that Flash guy, but you don't have to admit it, ever.

Knox is now your biggest fan, Adina!  No way, no how,  never...



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