Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have an ex show dog that was not neutered until 14 monts old, and another male that was neutered at 5 months. The show dog marks in the house, and the other male has followed suit. It drives us crazy.
What I am asking is , if we were to get a male puppy neutered at 7 weeks, would he also eventually mark because of the other two?

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Are you using an odor neutralizer in addition to just cleaning up where they mark? Even if it looks and smells clean to you, unless you use an odor neutralizer designed for that purpose, the dogs can still smell where another dog has urinated, and they will continue marking in those places. A puppy will do it, too, neutered or not. Even a female will do it.
My labradoodle wasn't neutered until he was 14 months old, either, and he has never marked in the house, so I don't think your older dog is marking solely because he was neutered late. Personally, I would bring in a trainer to help you work on these issues with both dogs. I think this is more of a behavioral issue than a hormonal issue.

Yes, we always use an odor neutralizer. The dogs are 10 and 9, and this has been going on for years. It is most likely a behavioral/ dominant as they go on top of each other, and when we walk outside they do pee on things. Our girl dogs never go in the house. What I need to know though is if I get a male puppy, will he mark as well.

I don't think anyone can tell you for sure, but with the older dogs modeling the behavior, I think the chances are pretty good. How many dogs do you currently have?

We have the two Papillions, recently lost our female Newfie, and have had 4 dogs, 2 females, 2 males in the past. We are now getting a labradoodle.

Hmmm--that is a good question--frankly, I am really surprised that the other male is doing it too--I just neutered my doodle at the age of 2 years (the breeder I got him from decided not to use him as a stud) ad he has never marked in the house and has already stopped marking everything in the yard. 

I can't think of any reason why an early neuter (which I personally am opposed to) would make a difference as to marking--none of the dogs should be doing it no matter when they were neutered  and I don't think the age of neutering is the problem--it is a behavioral problem that you need to deal with. There may be something else going on here in terms of dominance and may be some one can chime in on how to approach it--I am not experienced in that area. The reason I say that though is that my future son - in -law has a very obedient dog that never goes in the house --but did at my house--he tried to pee on one of my doodles! It was a show of dominance in that case...

I had a show dog once that did this and I felt that it was primarily because of the fact that during SOME shows, they put the dogs in concrete indoor areas to pee--he would go out during the day, but at night, he wouldn't hold it and would instead wander down the stairs and go on the furniture--wish I had known about a crate!

I agree that this is behavioral.  I have two male Doodles (one neutered at 7 weeks and the other at 5 mos).  One of my boys has a very dominant temperament and will mark over any other dog's urine.  He actually follows the other one around outside to mark over his pee.  He has never done it inside the house, but that's probably because the other dog isn't peeing inside.  My guess is that if he peed inside the dominant guy would mark over it.  We've been addressing this...correcting whenever we see it, but it seems so "ingrained" that I suspect it will take a very long time to break.  So, bottom line, I'm thinking if you get a puppy and he has a dominant temperament...and your existing dogs are marking inside...I think you can expect that the puppy would also.

I am not experienced other then my dog Jack. Jack never peed in my home ever at first, not even as a puppy. Then my mom got a puppy and brought her to my house to stay for the first eight plus weeks as they were having a house built. Molly, my mom's puppy was not as well trained as Jack for many reasons, one being I was pretty sick so less diligent about watching her. 

At the time I had carpet, anywhere that Molly peed, Jack was sure to follow.. ( sang to the long of Mary had a little Lamb) :) I scrubbed the carpets, I bought every kind of enzyme known to man from the cheap stuff to the insanely expensive. I shampooed the carpets.  I used old fashion methods which I think were the best.. but if I stuck my nose deep into the carpet I could smell it... and if I could Jack could.. once the smell was established there, Jack thought it was perfectly acceptable to pee there. 

Fast forward... I had to get rid of my carpets, I now have laminates through every room of my house.. Not one pee or marking anywhere......

I dont' know that you will be able to stop the behavior unless you totally remove all carpets and and trail of scent....I am not sure though if that is behavior or what.. but it has been a huge blessing to me

We have three males and none have ever marked in the house.  They've never even tried.  If the smell isn't encouraging it, a trainer does seem the best way to go.  



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