Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone!
My husband and I have found a great, responsible breeder who we are adopting a F1 goldendoodle puppy from in a few weeks. We don't have any kids yet, so we will be spending a lot of our time training our new addition and giving it loves. We both work full time, together in an office. We are planning on bringing our goldendoodle into the office with us everyday. Does anyone bring their goldendoodles to work with them?

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When I worked I was a nurse so that wasn't an option....I know your doodle will love being with you..mine went to daycare..puppies are not meant to be alone for long periods so this is great...make,sure you have a crate to bring with you or a gated play pen
And PS when you have kids your dog aka as your first born will still very much expect the same amount of attention.
Thanks for the tip! And yes, I've read that they require lots of attention. :)
I wish I could take my dogs to work :(

 I work at a university and take Chance to campus to hang out with students from time to time.  But dogs aren't allowed inside buildings for the most part.  I have some wonderful dog sitters--students who are very experienced with dogs and who miss the pets they had to leave behind at home.  Works for me and works for them.

I'm hoping our goldendoodle likes people too or it will be hard. :/ we are doing temperament testing but I don't know how accurate they are. I didn't even know you can do that on dogs until two weeks ago.
IMO. A new puppy that is highly socialized nd as only had good experiences with humans has a very high chance of loving people....Mine was so super exposed to humans he goes everywhere with me..he does amazing.

Sometimes Charlie gets to go to work with me. It great and all, except a few items that you should consider before making it a day in/day out plan.

  • Charlie has a lot to say, and yes, sometimes he barks. Are people working that don't want to be interrupted?
  • Some people at the office may not appreciate dogs all the time
  • Do you have appropriate areas near the office for potty walks? For instance, my office has dirt flower beds nearby-- the grounds crew wouldn't appreciate me letting him in there, especially during the muddy winter. In addition, the grassy areas are quite muddy as well. He can't come back in after he's been outside without a paw wash.
  • Do you have the ability to keep one eye on your dog and one eye on your work? Charlie doesn't get into trouble, necessarily, but every few minutes he does need a "welfare check"!

The next question is: will your dog have the personality for a work environment? If I was evaluating, it would be: does your dog get along with all people, 99% of the time? Is your dog somewhat "laid-back"-- you don't need a high strung dog running amok, jumping on people, eating garbage and lunches, peeing on the floor, etc.

Thanks for that, Julie! The breeder is having temperament testing done, we are looking for a more mellow, friendly goldendoodle. Our office has a few grassy areas so that will be nice. Is it common for Goldendoodles to bark a lot ?

I think the barking thing varies. Charlie seems to be one of the more vocal ones, but he's certainly not doing it all the time.

I work at the University of California, San Diego in a physics lab and Camus goes to work with me.  There are other dogs on campus and occasionally we meet up for play time.  I enjoy having him with me and even though he is not what I would call a people dog, he does have his favorites, especially the Prof. I work for (who gives him banana) and one particular grad student.  I can be off leash in many areas, which is a real plus since he can run, play, roll in the grass, and be comfortable around lots of people, noise, activities - the benefits of being able to bring him to work have been wonderful.  He even has an official photo on the wall with all of the other lab members and his name is on my door plate.  My boss even includes him in his powerpoint presentations that he prepares for invited lectures around the world. A very special doodle! (and, I am a very lucky doodle mom!)

That's awesome! Is he more of a mellow dog? How old is he?



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