Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This sounds like a dumb question and "Why would anyone ask for this - What is wrong with you?" but hear me out.

I have always had dogs, and will likely always have at least one.  I got Annie (a labradoodle) based on the 'breed's' general characteristics of having superior intelligence, sweet dispositions, good with kids, friendly when meeting new people, non-agressive, and DARN CUTE Hairdo's.

I love Annie to death and I would not trade her for the world.  She is still young at 8 1/2 months old - but I feel she is practically useless as a guard or alert dog.  I love that she doesn't bark at strange people when we are out for a walk, but really would appreciate if she would bark when someone comes to the door, or if she hears a strange noise.  Is there a way to train this into her, or will she perhaps grow into becoming a little more alert around the house?  Right now if someone knocks on the door - she just stands there wagging her tail, looking at me like "yes!  hurry up - you gonna let them in?"

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that she doesn't bark in public, but I like the sound of a dog barking if a stranger is at the door and I don't want to open it.  I've had dogs in the past that have scared potential intruders away. 

I don't need her to lunge or act crazy - just alert that someone is at the door so the person on the other side knows that there is a large dog inside.  Is there a way to train this or should I just hope that she will become a little more protective as she gets older...?



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How old is Annie?

Luna didn't start alert barking until she was over a year old.  She now barks at ANYTHING suspicious (which can get annoying sometimes).  She does have a special "angry" bark for anything she suspects might be dangerous, which is nice.

Annie is 8 1/2 months - she may just be too young to be protective yet.  She does bark - like, at her sister when she wants to play - but its definitely a playful bark, and yes - can get a bit annoying.  She also has a perfect tendency to start barking at the worst times - like when I'm on the phone. 

Her sister has a playful bark and a protective bark - I was hoping that Annie would catch on to her sisters protective bark.  Annie just tends to get scared when her sister lets out a protective bark...

Luna is scared of barking if it's a dog she doesn't know, but she has recently (after about 1.5 years old) started to join in when one of her "pack" (her friends) barks.  She helps them alert about things.  

I think maybe Annie will find her voice once she learns a bit more about what things should be barked at.

We have 2 Labradoodles.  Sydney (8 years old) and Olivia (7 years old).  Sydney barked from the time she was a puppy.  Her bark is loud and forceful, but she does have a different loud and forceful bark if someone is on our property.  That is a good thing.

Olivia didn't start barking until she was almost three years old.  We thought there was something wrong with her.  She first barked at our Realtor who was dressed in black.

So, now we have 2 barking Doodles.  It sounds like stereo at a bizillion decibles.  It happens when they see someone out of our front windows.  Our trainer told us it's barrier frustration and they want to get outside to what it is they are seeing.  We're trying to distract them by using the clicker and a treat.  It's working pretty well with Sydney, but we think Olivia plays deaf and likes barking better than the best treats we can offer her.  ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT A BARKING DOODLE?????  We can loan you Sydney and Olivia for a few days and you will count your blessings when they leave.  I say get a security system and enjoy your peace and quiet! 

haha, Yes, this might be one of those "be careful what you wish for" posts that I will look back, slap my head and say "What's WRONG with you!"

I thought I was going to get "lucky" with a non barking doodle, needless to say at 9 months old I found out differently and have been trying to curb her appetite for the sound ever since.

My last boy, Zach would bark but I would say "no bark Zach" and he would stop, if only Daisy could figure this out.

I wish Peri didn't bark.  Even to alert me - really.  You may regret asking this lol!!!


It took her until she was about a year to find her voice though :)

Riley didn't start to bark until he was ten months so there is time yet :)

Zoe started barking early.  I think because the Great Dane across the street would bark when people passed by and she learned from him.  Or maybe she was trying to have a chat with him I dont know...but it's really annoying when she barks haha.  Bender didn't really bark until later and didn't bark at EVERYTHING like Zoe.  He has a "la di da di da I am barking because Zoe is barking" bark (sometimes he runs back and forth looking around because he has no clue WHY she's barking!) but then he has a really loud, deep, scary big dog bark which i've only heard a couple of times.  I really think he wouldn't bark if it wasn't for Zoe.  So who knows...Maybe Annie isn't a barker but when she feels the need she might surprise you :)

I think you are lucky to have such a good girl and I'm jealous because mine get crazy when someones knocking.  I'm going to start a discussion "How do I get my dogs to sit by the door just wagging their tail when someone comes to the door"

I do think some dogs start to bark at a later age...I had a Dog that did not bark once until she was 18 months old...Granted she did not become a barker after that either.

If you really want her to bark...I would set up a scenario -having someone come ring the door bell while you are right there with Annie, a Clicker & treats...encouraging her to may not work until she is a little older & barks a bit more

I prefer non barking dogs...I am very glad Trixie is not a barker (I have had many of them) She surprises herself when she does bark

I agree that she might bark more when older--pups are often not guard dogs until they reach adulthood--they are still looking to you to decide if there is danger or not--then they take over and bark to let you know that a stranger is at the door!! OH NO!!!

Years ago, my parents took in my husband's dog when the dog was 9 and we did not have a place to live that allowed dogs--they had him for about 6 months--the dog had been living with my husband's mother who was very strict with the dog and he was taught NEVER to mother hated that and taught him to speak in about 2 days--from then on, he was a barker!! She just kept saying "speak" and rewarding him for barking--it was easy with that dog! 

I think your best bet will be to teach her how to bark, put it on a verbal cue such as "speak" and then eventually teach her to "speak" whenever someone is at the door.  Probably won't be the same as natural alert barking but at least it will be something.



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