Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Who out there with their doodles has a smooth faced doodle? Wolfie is 19 months old now and is a F2 doodle with a smooth face but has a very curly coat! His father was a standard poodle and the mother was a doodle!! he weighs 76lbs! he was a very easy dog to house break.  He has a problem with digging holes in the back yard but we love him. Even though our back yard is starting to look like a mine field!!  He is great with our grandkids and for the last month we have been leaving him out of his kennel and he is doing a great job!  Such a loyal friendly dog! He sits by my husbands chair with him as he is recovers from foot surgery!

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Wolfie is an F1 doodle! I just checked with the breeder!

If he's an F1, he has one parent who is a purebred poodle and one parent who is a purebred retriever.

Wolfie is a lovely dog!!

wolfie is adorable,too!!! You are so blessed to have him.

We also have a smooth faced Doodle, our Sydney.  She is a 7 and 9 generation Labradoodle.  This is the first time I am hearing the term "throw back".  Our breeder referred to Sydney's smooth coat on her head as a "recessive gene".  Aside from the smooth face, Sydney has had lots of medical issues throughout her life which resulted in a very unhealthy coat.  In the last year or so, her coat on her body got to be very silky and thick (we think due to switching her to Orijens - a big thanks to Karen and Jack).  Our other Doodle, Olivia makes up for Sydney's lack of curl (the real Doodle look) with a very, very, thick wool and fleece coat.  It's like a box of chocolates:  You never know what you're going to get"!  But we like chocolates and we love our DOODLES, too!

Luna is an F1 mini goldendoodle with a smooth face.  She looks pretty much like a golden in a smaller size. :)

I also have a smooth coat.  Parker will turn one next week.  Also digs in the garden, loves to bring me sticks and rocks that he "finds" in my walkway


This is our smooth face doodle, Rigby.  His mother is a golden doodle, and his father a double doodle.  He's an F2b.  I'm still wondering what he'll look like.  He's 6 months old this weekend.  I wanted a teddy bear, but am very happy with the smooth face now.  Less mess!!!  He's a really conversation starter!  People always ask what type of dog he is.  They think he's a Chesapeake or something else.  



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