Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What is the funniest thing you have ever said to your dog? #outofthemouthofadoodlemom!

I can't be the only one that if I  was video tapped would come up insane... I know I can't be... The things that I have caught myself saying to Jack after I have thought about it crack me up..

For instance.

Last night I could not sleep so we went for a ride... I ended up at Sonic fast food place and got a burger and slushy.... Jack was begging for a piece.. I looked him dead in the face and said " no baby this is poison, it has all kinds of chemical in it, you can't have this. You are only allowed healthy treats" as I went on and ate my burger. (what's wrong with me for eating this)

I also  have been adding a little more protein to Jack's diet.. so his poop hasn't been the best... He pooped a perfect poop... I was talking on the phone as I was walking him and out of my mouth came " Good poop Jack that was perfect, Mommy is so happy" The person I was talking to is not a dog person and didn't understand... which made it more funny.

This wasn't exactly to my dog but I to this day have not lived this down.... Jack was a new puppy at daycare.... At the time they were strict with pick up times, if you were too late, the puppy got put up for the night and you couldn't get him.... I was in a very serious case at work, lots of doctors around and well the case was going on and on and on and I needed to leave but of course you can't leave..duhhhh.... So I used the phone and called out to my boss.... I asked her to please get me relief because I had to get Jack from daycare.  My boss came in the room and asked me, did you just ask for relief so you can get your dog from daycare????   Yes as a matter of fact I did......Hey all the other parents do it...  I did get the relief but I was teased forever.

So what are some of the funniest things you have ever said to your dog?? I know I have more I just can't think of them.

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No Jen, you are the only person out of 10,000 + doodle owners that speak to their doodles. I never ever say anything funny to Daisy, well maybe, perhaps, sometimes, okay I do all of the time. I could write a million of them down but I won't. I will tell you that every night before I close my eyes I yell out to Daisy "goodnight doodlebug, Mommy loves you", and then I sleep.


One time Oliver was doing something bad,(big shocker right? doodles are never bad) so I said Oliver, no!  (I know your not supposed to say their name when you say no but i slipped d)  Only i didn't say Oliver, I said Sophia ...  Sophia is my niece.............:)    Opps!

Ha!  I have called Bailey Eric before...that's our 25 yr old son's name...sshhhhh don't tell him, he would be mortified LOL

Oh I do the same thing Elizabeth, but my Erik is 32 yrs old. I think I spent so many years saying "Erik, No, Erik, stop, Erik, Erik, Erik! Then when Murphy would do anything wrong I would slip and call Murphy "Erik" . Unfortunately I did it once when my son was over and his feelings were hurt. Oops.
As for funny things I've said to the doodles? I don't know exactly what would be considered funny by some and what would be considered totally insane by others just by the fact that I even talk to them, but I do talk to them all day. I just love when I get the little head tilt, like they are trying to understand what I'm saying.

I have always talked to the animals I was around.  When I rode horses I would tell my horse to pick up her feet when stepping over a tree or to be careful there's a dip in the trail.  I talked so much I didn't realize I was doing it until a new rider in the group mentioned it one day - I didn't stop but would smile has I said come on baby you can get up that hill, lets go:) 

I talk to the chickens, thanking the hens for the eggs and threatening Garth (the rooster) with the stew pot if he attacks.

The dogs get an ear full every day - Shaggy let go of Fozzie's neck, Fozzie get back here the brush won't kill you, and most crazy of all is telling Gus who is deaf to stop barking or to wait.  I tell the boys to be good every time I leave the house and when they go outside I tell them to do their business and get right back.  I'm always talking to them!

YEP, I'm a crazy animal talker.

takes one to know one... I love it..

Jennifer, I like your cure for insomnia, which we lived closer, Sonic sounds good:)  LOL  I do talk to Libby all the time and most likely I have said some crazy things to her.  I would probably be embarrassed to post them because I am so mushy with her and tell her all the time how much I love her.   Your comments are priceless and defintely had me laughing:)

actually my cure for insomnia made me worse. I had heartburn all night. LOL.

I talk to Sedona all the time, and I'm sure I've said lots of hilarious things, but now that I'm into that new decade I can't remember.  However, the funniest scene at our house is when my husband (who is not the most romantic male on earth) goes on and on talking lovey-dovey to Sedona.  He's NEVER been that way with me!!!  :(

I do talk to Jack all day long, not like he is a human being but I talk to him and I know he likes it... When he wakes up from a nap I talk to him.. I tell him what is going on like if I am going out.. I tell him I am going out and he is going to his office and I will be back... He knows what I am saying... he always goes to his "office" 

Don't be fooled though Jack talks to me too.. He may not use words but he can communicate better then most men can with what his wants are... When he is ready for bed and doesn't want to go alone he will stare me down, paw at me and if I don't give in, he will go get his toys and bring them to bed with him.. He doesn't like to sleep alone.

If he is bored and wants a walk.. he comes and gets me and goes to the door that is used for when we go on walks.... Hungry he comes and gets me goes to food bowl, treats, toys.... 

I know his bark for when the cat is outside vs a dog.. when it is a person outside vs a cat or dog... 

I don't sit there and tell him my problems... LOL I do talk to him... His tail always wags when I do.....

I do admit I say silly things to him but if you ever had a conversation with me.. I would probably say something silly to you too..

I once told Jack to eat his food because there are hungry dogs in China that would want his food// ( I think I channeled my mother on that one)

In case you haven't noticed, I am madly in love with my munchkin...

Very funny, Jennifer. I talk to Fudge and Vern all the time, but I will only be concerned if they start talking back to me :)  My kids tease me all the time because I always tell my dogs they are my best friends in the whole wide world.



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