Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hello DK,
I just have a quick question. Our puppy 8 weeks old has been home 2 days. On the way home (5 hrs drive) he peed in his crate. He was smelling of urine so I used "Simple Solution" Puppy wipes very gentle and sparingly on his legs and feet. Now all he does is chew his feet and sometimes whimpers. Did I do the wrong thing? Our Vet appointment is on Wednesday. Any thoughts?
I don't know what is in the 'Simple solution' wipes but even if they have not caused the problem I doubt that they would be able to remove urine from his skin properly. I would seek out a good puppy shampoo (perhaps one with oatmeal) and wash your puppy making sure to rinse the shampoo very thoroughly. I think I would also bring the vet visit forward if you possibly can.
I agree with the bath time suggestion! The pic makes him look so big for 8 weeks ... wow, but is he adorable! Let us know if it improves after the bath!
I agree with the others; the wipes did not do an adequate job of removing the urine and his feet probably are burning and irritated. I would wash his feet with a gentle dog shampoo (do not use human shampoo, the pH is not right for dogs) and rinse thoroughly.
I second a bath.
Chewing feet might be a separate issue, though. (It might be from yeast infection. WIllow came with one in her ears.) And, if you are going to get a insurance, do it now before you see a vet to avoid "pre-existing condition" clause.
I agree with the bath. I also would be concerned if he might be allergic to those wipes or something else that his feet got into. My sister has a Maltese that always chews or sucks on her paws and it is due to allergies.
Paw licking and chewing can be a symptom of allergies, but it would be virtually impossible for an 8 week old puppy to have developed an allergy to anything. Allergies require previous exposure in order for the antibodies to develop, so you rarely see allergy symptoms the first time a dog (or a person) is exposed to anything. And the itching that causes the biting and chewing of the feet is a histamine response to something that is ingested or inhaled, not to something that the feet come into contact with. The allergic response occurs on a cellular level and is triggered by antibodies in the circulatory system. :)
Wow I never knew that about allergies! Thanks Karen!
Thanks everyone. I am seeing the Vet today instead of Wednesday. I will see what he has to say and will report back.
I strongly recommend that you do not let the vet sell you any Rx food. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.
Well........took Mickey Finn for his Well Puppy visit at the Vet's. He has ear infections! Both Bacterial and Yeast Infections. I am not too happy. He got his ears cleaned out and now we have Flush to clean out his ears every other day and medication to insert in his ear canal every 12 hours. That is why he has been scratching and biting his feet because he is in pain. The Vet said for him to have something wrong with his feet is very rare for his age. So we go back in 2 weeks for a check.
PS do you all think I should mention this to the Breeder? We have had Mickey for less than 48 hours. I look up to all of you and your wisdom on this.
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