Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Scarlet is just a pup and not even home for a week yet. The past few nights she has been getting up every 1 1/2 hrs or so and usually goes pee and poo both. Yesterday I stopped all food and water around 6 pm and she still went pee almost every hour or so during the night??? I usually try to go to bed around 11 ?? Please advise what has worked for you and your pup. I'm really tired :) She has been eating about 6 am, noon, and 6 pm. She has a small bowl of water with each meal and I don't give her anymore after she finishes that. Would love some help!!
Thanks Sue. I am going to the vet tomorrow and will ask about a UTI. Gosh...I haven't even thought of any pet insurances. I have been too bust deciding on chew toys, crates, food, collars, etc. But since you brought it it you recommend any certain pet insurance??
I generally leave water out all day but depending on their activity I may quit refilling their water bowl after they drink with their dinner. When you say she is getting up every 1.5 hours or so.. is she whining in a crate or how is she 'getting up'? I'm guessing she's no more than 9 weeks old if she's only been home less than a week. Some pups just take longer to hold their pee and poo and sometimes young pups poop a lot. Assuming there is no UTI or anything, she'll probably be able to hold it longer in a few weeks. It could be too that the fact she is awake is stimulating her bladder and if she has the opportunity she goes pee. Just like if something wakes you up at might notice you need to pee and go to the bathroom.
Hi Adina - Unfortunately Scarlet is not in her crate at night yet. Believe me, I have tried. I am working on getting her comfortable and will try again in the next few days. We sleep on the couch right now....trying to let my husband and kids get decent night sleeps. She wakes up whining. She won't jump off couch as she is just over 7 weeks. She just sits there and cries until I wake up. I take her out and she indeed does pee everytime and poos just about every other time. I was just thinking.....maybe eating the snow is not helping my situation much :)
Tara you are going to want to get her into a crate at night soon because they tend to get used to things pretty quickly and if you keep sleeping on the couch with her she is going to come to expect that and will still end up whining and crying once you transition to a crate. You might try putting her in the crate next to your bed or next to your couch.
When Finnley was younger.... as opposed to her whole 10 months now. (lol) I let her drink until around 7 , sometimes 8 in the evening. Now that she is older, and I know she has the bladder of an elephant, she can drink as late as 9:00, but that is the latest. I pick up her food by 6:00 or 6:30. Don't know how old Scarlet is, but I suspect you will have to find your rhythm with her, and what works for the two of you together.... your own schedule so to speak.
Good luck, I think just like having a new baby, the first couple of weeks are the breaking in period. It will get better as you both get better acquainted and familiar with each other.
I put the water away at 7pm and right before she goes to bed we do a pretty big bout of exercise. We call it an "energy party" (it's quite the party- my toddler is a huge fan of it too). That way she goes to bed super tired and then sleeps hard. You may try something like that and see if it helps. For her age a 15 minute energy party could do wonders right before bed time. Fetch is a great one plus it's a great age to use fetch as a trust building game between the two of you.
Don't worry... it DOES get easier :)
Thanks Star - I might have to try an energy party. Do I too have to have energy for this ?? :)
Good news... YOU actually don't have to have energy for the energy party! Especially if you're playing fetch. You can just rest easy and toss the ball while she does all the work :)
For me though, with a toddler in the house.. I have to have energy for this party because it involves some serious dancing too!
you are too cute Star! I love the energy party idea!
Thanks! I'll have to give credit to my 2 year old for that... she named it :)
there anything that this super smart adorable child doesn't think of ?? She comes out with the darndest cutest things !
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