It's time to visit the jazzed up Holiday pages of our members!
Before you start, please follow these two guidelines to enhance your experience:
1) have your sound turned on because many of the pages have music
2) wait 15 to 20 seconds before you start scrolling down on any page to be sure each page fully loads and you experience all of the sights, glitter and activities!
Here are the members with pages ready to be viewed (voting will commence on Monday):
I will add more names to this list as others complete their pages--so check back through the days! I will add new names to the TOP of the list so you don't have to scroll far down.
I will announce this in the Sunday e-mail--but just in case some of you don't get it---pages must be finished this Sunday by 9:00 PM PST. We will be going on the honor system that nobody makes any cosmetic changes after that time... If a link breaks and you need to fix it that's fine.. But no new additions or deletions after 9:00 PM PST this Sunday.