Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

R.I.P. Sophie Girl

March 3, 2008 - March 11, 2013

Good-bye Baby Girl!

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Oh sweetie, much love and many hugs to you and yours. 

Rest in peace Sophie. I feel so devastated although I knew this day would come I didn't know it would be so soon for you :(. I am so sorry for your loss. She was and always will be a beautiful dog! We'll be thinking of you guys today.

Oh dear. I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. I didn't expect this so soon. She definitely earned her wings. So sorry Sherri. I'm thinking of you and Lucy doodle and sending you loving vibes.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss of beautiful Sophie.

With a lot of tears, I wish her a beautiful passing to the Rainbow Bridge.  I am so sorry for your family but I admire you all so much.

We will all miss you, Sophie.  May your days now be filled with no pain and lots of cookies.  We loved you.

Sheri, if you need to reach out in the next coming weeks, I'm here for you.


I think I was in denial that this would happen so soon. It's not fair.   I'm so sorry Sophie had to go.  Hugs to you and Lucy. 

I am so sorry for your loss. She was so beautiful. I am heartbroken for you and will be thinking of you. :(

glub glub glub!!!! Oh I am so very sorry to read this post. Good night sweet Sophie girl. Life really can throw us curve balls that we can never forget.....Everytime I read of the loss of a doggie (especially here on DK) i think of my hubby (who died so young at the age of 29) and his love for dogs. I visualize him there to grab the leash (sort of speak) and escort the new angel pup to the puffiest of clouds where they play fetch and share bacon strips and romp around. I sort of think of him as the afterlife dog whisperer. It's comforting to think that. 

Sally, I like the images this brings to mind. Thank you for sharing.

It is so sad to lose a husband, child, brother etc. at such a young age. I'm truly sorry for your loss, Sally. I'm glad you find comfort in the wonderful memories of your husband. Hugs to you and Duncan. We enjoyed meeting you at the Sandy Hook romp a couple years ago. : )

Beautiful Sally.  I am sure he is there waiting for them.  Sorry for your loss.

Oh Sally, I am so sorry about your husband, but I LOVE the image of him greeting all of our furbabies in heaven!  What a wonderful sight to imagine/dream of :)



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