Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi! We are doing lots of research in the doodle world and since information is limited, I was hoping I could get some information from members about either airedoodles or shepadoodles. We are considering both of these breeds, leaning towards airedoodle. I would love to hear from anyone who has experience with either. I know that this site is mainly for labradoodles and goldendoodles...hoping no one minds me asking about something different. :)
Thank you!
Wow- all this talk about Airedales I had to go google them and see what they look like. Cute. Reminded me a lot of my neighbor's giant schnauzer. If you like that look, have you considered a giant schnauzer? Based on the one and only giant schnauzer that lives in my neighborhood (lots of data for you, right? LOL) they are gentle giants and good family dogs. Just an idea. We got our golden doodle because of allergies. If I wasn't limited in that area I would've gotten some kind of lab mutt. Good luck on your dog search.
I'd suggest a Standard Schnauzer instead of a Giant Schnauzer as a family dog. The Giants are in the Working Group and were primarily developed for guard work. The Standards and Miniatures are less protective and dominant. All are terriers and can be stubborn, but not unreasonably so.
Schnauzers also do not shed.
And if not a giant schnauzer, you might look at a smaller variety of the terrier breed - the Welsh Terrier. They look like Airedales, but smaller. That was actually my choice when I got started with doodles. Our shepherd had died and the standard poodle was beyond himself with grief. I found a breeder or Welsh Terriers and went to their home (in the country) to see that it was not a puppy mill. They had many breeds of terriers and the welsh female was pregnant. I put a deposit on a puppy and wanted a male. When the litter was born, there was only one male but they said that one was mine. Three weeks later the puppy died. My mom, and old Italian lady, said "Naw that puppy didn't die, they just got more money for him." Anyway, that got me on a search for another puppy and I discovered doodles. It has been doodles ever since. Terriers do shed and stink as they age. If you are sharing your home (and your bed) with a dog, you don't want a shedder or a stinker. Just more to think about.
My SIL and BIL are show dog people. They have had Airedales for many years and now have Welsh Terriers too. Despite being obedience champions in the show ring, their house is a zoo (lol). Energy level is through the roof there. They love it. It makes me stressed. SIL says you do not own Airedales, they own you. She goes on to say that Welsh Terriers own EVERYONE! We brought Gavin to my FILs house at Christmas and SIL and BIL were astounded that there was such a dog that could go around the room and greet everyone then lie quietly at your feet.
Wow, I was hoping for some information about either breed or mix (I never know who I'm going to offend by calling it breed, hybrid and/or mix. Forgive me.) which apparently no one who has replied has had experience with. I realize they are not the popular poodle hybrids so I'm not surprised but was hoping.
I do appreciate the experience some of you have relayed regarding airedales and GSD's. We have not come to this combination lightly. I HAVE done my research on temperament and health. We are very aware of the negatives of both the airedale and the GSD. What we are trying to do is find anyone who has had experience with the combination of either of these in order to relay some more accurate information for us.
Our choice (which is not a choice yet, just a narrowing down and trying to find as much accurate info as possible), is not at all based on looks. We would never choose a dog based on looks. If I did, the airedale and GSD would certainly not be on the list. Without going into more detail than necessary there are reasons why we are very interested in an airedale or GSD/poodle hybrid. I am also perfectly aware that none of these dogs are truly non-shedding or hypoallergenic. This has nothing to do with "looking for something different". I am surprised that that would be the assumption, though I guess I understand because there are so many people who do just that and end up with a dog that they are unhappy with, and you all know nothing about me except that I am asking about 2 hybrids that apparently there is some controversy over. :)
The information about reputable breeders is very helpful in that it gives me a checklist that is more focused on hybrids, so that nothing is overlooked. As for studying the pure breeds, we have done that extensively. However, there is a local dog trainer (author of several books and excellent reputation) who has encouraged me not to trust the the known temperament of a poodle and airedale/GSD because it is most important to know the temperament/breeding/health of the parents to truly get the best (not guaranteed) determination of the temperament of a hybrid puppy. So, in addition to studying the pure breeds extensively, we are trying to study the hybrid as well as the parents of any future puppy (haven't gotten quite that far). If and when I find a breeder that is acceptable, I will certainly be sure that all health testing is covered. That is a given. If I can't find one that provides that, then we will move on.
There was some mention of doing my "research" on the very sites/breeder sites that perpetuate many misconceptions of the doodle hybrids. That is the exact reason I turned to DK to ask my questions. Who better to give true and accurate information on doodles than a website devoted to them with members who have experience. I realize I have asked about 2 breeds that may not be represented here but figured this was my best shot. This has not been a quick decision (if you can call it that, since decision has not been made completely) for us. We have been studying/discussing/researching breeds for a couple of years in order to make the right choice for us. If we had irresponsibly come to this, we would already have a dog and there would be no need for this thread! :) That being said, we can research till the cows come home and we realize it still weighs heavily on the dog we end up with and the training and care provided for that dog.
I appreciate the feedback given and still welcome any and all feedback about airedoodles, shepadoodles, and even the pure breeds as well.
Thank you!
All those kids AND a dog>???? Good luck. always had dogs and kids but as the kids left I had more time and love to give to my dogs. I ran like a chicken with its head off when the kids were young and sometimes the animals seem to get left out.. I would get a Doodle if you REALLY want a dog. The Lab. or Golden mixes are the best for kids. GOOD LUCK!!!!
I actually own a Shepadoodle - he's 10 months old now and he sheds. He looks like a black bear and I get stopped wherever I go and asked about him. He is quite large but slim and muscular under all the hair! He trots very majestically when walked as if he's doing the circle walk at Crufts! He's very intelligent, easy to train (I have trained him to go back like a bear on his rear legs and then bark for treats). He loves my children and plays constantly with them and loves people, probably too much as he wants to meet everyone on the walks. He barks deeply at the door when someone knocks (so would deter would be burglars) but would probably lick them to death if they did enter ;) With a Shepadoodle, you have the speed of a poodle with the the strength of a Shepherd. To me, this dog is the perfect combination.
Thank you, David for the input. Sounds like you have a great dog! Would you mind if I PM'd you with a few other questions?
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