Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We just received a phone call from the vet confirming Honey (only 8 months old!) has 2 partially torn ACLs!!!! Our vet's office has an orthopedic surgeon as well and he agreed with our vet and asked that the x-rays be sent to a radiologist to double check. All three are in agreement it is both knees.
How can this be? Our poor Honey!! She's on meds to control the pain.
The vet is talking about surgery on BOTH knees with extensive recovery time. Honey would have to be still with no exercise. Did I mention she is only 8 months old?
I'm sure it must have happened when Honey and Shadow were chasing and wrestling, they always have a good wrestle and run.
The vet said it is going to cost anywhere from $1500-$2500 that's PER KNEE!!!! Tears are flowing as I'm writing this and my heart is breaking. We can't pay for this. We've already spent over $2,000 in medical bills on her just in the last 4 months! What am I going to do? I love her so much. If we don't do the surgery than she will either get a full tear in one or both knees and get arthritis and have to be on constant pain meds until she can't take it anymore. I can't do that to her. I feel horrible. I told the vet I heard that sometimes it can heal on its own. She wasn't as hopeful because Honey is bigger (50 pounds) and generally speaking that happens in smaller dogs and it's not all that common.
HELP!!! What do I do??
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Sally, perhaps you would like to sign up as a volunteer with the DRC or some other rescue group. They can certainly use the help. Since you are so familiar with rescue, you know that there are not enough foster homes available anywhere for all the dogs who are being dumped, even healthy dogs. It would be very helpful if you could give us your ideas on where Honey can live while she has her two surgeries and goes through her recoveries. Perhaps you would like to foster her?
I think the odds are pretty good that one of the members of this very site will indeed be the foster home that does this.
Yes, I do sense that the hubby was definitely not on board for all the expenses and the recovery time/effort. I suppose when put into that situation, if my hubby was that against something, I would not want to risk breaking up my family to help the dog. Maybe that is where this decision is coming from. I don't know. It's hard for me to imagine because I feel my husband would be more supportive. I know that she mentioned her hubby lived on a farm. I am assuming what that means is that although he "loves" his animals, he thinks of them as just that - animals. Some people simply don't hold dogs in the same position as a "child" or "family member" as often times you hear DK'ers talking about. I know that some of my extended family has those same attitudes. They think my doodles are spoiled (which they are) and that I really shouldn't have gotten them because any grooming/vet/food...expenses could have been more money available to my kids for college. I guess it just all boils down to priorities. I just think that if you knew going into the decision that your hubby wasn't on board no matter what - even with the financial aspect resolved - then why go on a DOG website of all places? I don't understand that. Unless she is hoping that one of us will take Honey in. If that is the case, then maybe it was a good thing for Honey that she did post on here, even if it upset all of us. I don't know. I just feel so sorry for the dog.
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