Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi there,
Bentley is almost two and we've had him since he was a baby. He hasn't used the bathroom in the house since the first month we brought him home. We never taught him to ring a bell or anything like that. I work for home, so we pretty much took him for walks every 4-5 hours 3-4 times a day.
This week has been a different story.
He peed on his bed earlier this week. We thought maybe it was because he played hard and drank alot of water and couldn't hold it until his next walk. We didn't catch him, so we didn't reprimand him.
Yesterday, he played hard again, drank alot, but we made sure to walk him a couple of hours after to let him pee. Last night, he peed in the living room. We caught him mid-stream, gave him a firm no, and brought him outside.
About an hour ago, he took a massive poop in the living room. The largest and smelliest I think I've ever seen from him. It was a little runny.
Just now, he vomited a pool of yellow bile. His belly contracted several times before it came out and not I can his belly gurgling.
This was alot to handle in one week when we haven't had this in almost two years. It's obvious something is not right, but any ideas? I was going to post on here a couple of days ago when he peed in the house, but now I'm going to bring him to the vet. Just curious to see if anyone has experienced it or if it sounds familiar.
Thanks for the feedback!
So glad you had it all checked out at the vet's!
I'm glad you had him checked out.
It would be a good idea to give him some plain unflavored fat-free yogurt while he is on the antibiotics. I'd give him 2 or 3 tablespoons twice a day. Be sure not to give it within two hours or more befotre or after the medications.
I hope he's better soon.
Glad to hear you took him to thevet and hope he feels better soon.
I hope this takes care of everything and he recovers rapidly.
Happy Easter everyone!
So I am back because I need your help again with this same issue. After bringing him to the vet, Bentley was on his antibiotics and his poop was beginning to firm up and he was eating fine. Then about two weeks ago, he had a poop that was soft with blood in it. I freaked out and brought him to the emergency vet. Ten minutes and $300 later, they send me home with another round of antibiotics, confirmed that there was bacteria and blood in his stool, but didn't recommend any blood work. He was on chicken and rice, then back to his normal food with no treats and his antibiotics.
He just finished his round last Wednesday. I was out of town but my fiance said he was pooping (although still not firm) and eating fine. Then this morning, he's back to dark yellowish diarrhea, it's not watery, but definitely diarrhea. he didn't eat this morning either.
I feel like I'm at my wits end because he's been on medications on and off for the past 4-5 week, we've spent over $500 just on bringing him in and neither vet is able to give any answers. They just say it could be several things. I know you guys aren't vets, but I'm hoping that someone has experienced this and might know what's going on. We have insurance, so on the next visit, they are going to have to do bloodwork, but how much needs to be done before they can figure out what's wrong with him? Could he have built up an allergy to his food? I mean, we haven't given him anything during all this time (except he did get some peanut butter yesterday for being good with his pictures), and he's never had issues like this in the two years that we've had him.
The pup has lots of energy, he's not in pain and he's been eating like a pig at every meal, so what gives? I mean, does this photo look like a sick dog?? My poor baby. Just want him to get better.
Thanks for whatever advice you can provide.
Sabrina and Bentley
These are not symptoms of allergies. It sounds to me like a GI disease. At this point, so as not to waste any more $ and get a reliable diagnosis so that you can start treating whatever this is, I personally would consult a veterinary internal specialist. Before I did that, my regular vet did bloodwork, plain Xrays, barium swallow Xrays, ultrasounds, bland diets, various medications, all to no avail and with no diagnosis. By the time we got to the specialist and got a diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, JD was very sick, and had a severe B12 deficiency.
If you can't see a specialist, make sure that the blood work your vet runs is sent out to a lab, and that they do a full GI panel. If your vet is not sure what that involves, it's this:
Have you been giving Bentley probiotics or yogurt while he has been on the antibiotics? That's very important.
Here's some info on IBD in dogs that may be helpful:
Good luck, I hope you can get some answers and some relief for Bentley.
Two or three tablespoons of plain unflavored fat-free yogurt twice a day; you can give it with meals or by itself. Just make sure that you do not give it within 2 hours of any antibiotics.
I am so sorry that Bentley is still having problems. I hope you can get a diagnosis soon.
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