Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have a feeling I might get teased for bringing this up, but I'm too curious to resist.  I found this site looking for factual information and have found so much more - including an opportunity to contribute in a way that might help others. Now I'm pretty much hooked.

It dawned on me a few days ago that the vast majority of people on here are women.  I did see a discussion group for men, but it didn't seem very popular or active.

Don't get me wrong - I'm definitely not one to complain about being surrounded by too many women.  I am curious as to why people think this might be the case, though.

Are doodles more popular with women?  I never noticed that to be true, although now that I think about it, my ex was the one who discovered the breed. 

Or maybe it's because many doodles are owned by couples, and the woman is the one primarily responsible for its care?

Or maybe it's just more in the nature of women to communicate about these things - in other words, the same reason women like to ask for directions when they are lost and men like to figure it out on their own?

I really don't know. I'm interested in hearing what other people think.

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Laurie...That's funny that your hubby knows DK so well to say "it won't be good" when someone posts about rehoming their doodle.  I can just hear it.  Hilarious.

Another confession, I believe I called you Bruce on here once assuming you were a man.  Are you a woman named Bruce?  Or is Bruce the doodle?  If so, what do you go by?  

Bruce is a place (Bruce Peninsula) where I love to spend time.  Think Jersey Girl.  Most people here call me BG :)

Got it - thanks. :)

Years ago, I went to a one-man-show called "Defending the Caveman".  The star (can't remember his name just now) very humorously and insightfully explained most of modern human behavior as it relates to our ancient ancestors.  Cave women remained back at homesite, gathering berries, tanning hides, caring for the children - chatting away as they did so.  The men were away hunting.  Although they needed to work together to be successful, talking was not part of the picture as they did not want to scare off their prey.  Today, women get together and talk (even on the internet).  When men get together, they tend to DO - work on the car, barbecue, etc.  

My husband is on the internet far more than I am, but he's usually task oriented - find the best vacuum for high profile carpet, research why his computer is shutting itself off, check the weather prediction or the traffic report.  He doesn't "chat" - at least not that I'm aware of HA HA!!!

I saw that show in Vegas; very funny!

My husband, a DK member, an Intercourse Shirt Awardee, a foster father, a dog cookie baker, and so much more, is completely secure in his masculinity, has no problem proudly walking his white foo foo poodle-looking dog down the street.
He does read over my shoulder, comments ( to me) on certain posts, occasionally chats during Friday night Yappy Hour.
He is a hunt and peck typist and I think that is what limits his participation. It has nothing to do with the love of his great dog. They really are a very bonded pair!
Truly, I've notice you and your comments, your positive attitude, the joy you are experiencing with your dog. It's good to have you here.

I just retired so I am on the computer more.I know I like to talk,so this is a great site to talk about something I love.My Doodles!!!!

Here is a true story:

My husband and I independently over the past couple of months met up with the same man at a local park.  His dog and Gavin played for about 5 minutes in both cases. 

Here is what DH found out about the man during his meeting:

  • the dog's name
  • how much he paid for the dog

Here is what I found out in my five minutes:

  • the man's first and last name
  • his wife's name
  • where he lived
  • how long he lived there
  • that he was retired
  • where he worked prior
  • where his wife worked
  • information about some of his wife's relatives
  • his old dog's name, breed, age of passing and cause of passing
  • where he got this dog
  • his dog's name
  • how much he paid for the dog

and I honestly did not ask him very many questions!

Moral of the story - I think a lot of men are ready to spill their guts but are just waiting for a women to listen ;)


BG, This is perfect! I love this story!

Love this, BG! 

Love this, BG, and soooooo true. My dh and I will be somewhere and I will ask him a question about someone he met and all I get are "I don't knows!"



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