Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
My little Laila is so sweet and loving, with the exception of eating leaves and grass in our back yard, I have no problems with her. She's 9 weeks and has been home with us for 2 days, I'm just starting to wonder if she's shy or fearful. Our breeder thought she was perfect for us as I'd told her that we were looking for a low to medium energy puppy who's loving and likes to be cuddled.
When I first met her, along with her sister who was very hyper, she seemed shy and initially didn't come to me, but she warmed up in about 15 mins and let me hold her and give her a tummy rub. Now she follows me and my son around the house but seems to be shy around my husband. She's hesitant around him and won't follow him, but will lick his hand when he comes close. She will start puppy kindergarten in a week, and I'm planning on taking her out every day, without putting her down so that she gets ample opportunities for socialization. Am I worrying too much?
I would say yes you are worrying too much. She has only been with you for 2 days and it takes much longer than 2 days to adjust. Many people say they had a calm, quiet and shy puppy in the beginning and a few weeks later they were rambunctious and full of energy. It sounds like she is attaching to you and son more right now. Are the two of you around more than your husband? That could be part of it. She is acknowledging that she can depend on you... not a bad thing.
I'd say if you still have this same worry in 4-6 weeks you can look into it at that time but with the socialization and exercise that you have planned for her- my money is on the fact that she'll be just fine :)
I think she is still trying to get adjusted from being with her mom and sister... She would need sometimes to get fuly adjusted.
Congrats and enjoy your baby!!
Yes, you are worrying too much, but that's normal. She is still getting used to her new environment. We received Traz when he was 4 months old. It took him a little bit to warm up to my husband. He is now 11 months old and goes back and forth between the two of us. It's great that you will be starting her puppy classes. We both did the classes with Traz and that helped all of us; Traz, me and my husband. It's amazing how much you will learn about yourself as you go through these classes with your precious pup. Enjoy the experience and continue to post Laila's progress on this site. You will find lots and lots of great information on here as you move through the different stages of puppy hood.
Thank you for all of your responses, she's so lovely, I just want to make sure she has everything she needs to be happy and well adjusted.
Just was I was about to say!
Yes, at that age, pups can be very sensitive--but you wanted a low energy affectionate pup and the trade-off can be a lack of confidence--no worries though--this is not written in stone--her confidence will improve with the right training and socialization. You need to portray that confidence yourself--in other words, do not baby her or soothe her if you think she is getting shy--that is the same as telling her that there is something to be afraid of--use a bright cheerful voice and be positive!!
And I agree also that it is much too soon--when the pups I raise leave to go to their new homes, I get glowing reports of their excellent behavior for about a week--then the honeymoon is over! The owners are running after pups who have stolen shoes, are eating sticks, etc, etc, ---you really don't know your pup yet! Have fun getting to know her!
Yes, I agree with what everyone here has said. I brought home one of Ginny's pups (Cisco), and he was a little more cautious/shy. He warmed up to some people, and was nervous of others. He also was nervous in new situations. But as Ginny recommended, in "unknown situations" I try to act calm and let him know what we are doing is fun. Also, I bring along some treats and give him treats to make it a more positive situation. Maybe your husband could give him some treats?
Now he has been with me for about 2.5 weeks, and he has definitely come out of his shell. And yes, he has his moments (bites at the rugs, jumps up, tugs at my pant legs, etc.), but in general is very good! Puppy kindergarten has also been very good for Cisco in terms of interacting with other puppies and gaining confidence. Good luck!!
Thanks everyone, you've been so encouraging, she seems to be getting better with my husband. I need to make sure she bonds with him as I'll be back at work next week and he'll be working from home for the next two weeks.
Yes, you are worrying too much and I know because I did the same thing. When we brought Sophie home the first day she wouldn't eat or drink and we worried that she was sick - but now we know it was just a traumatic change for her and she was adjusting. We 'thought' on day one to day three that she was a quiet little girl who wasn't super playful. OH MY - has that changed. She gets into everything now and wants to play all of the time. So, yes - it's a new environment for Laila and she is just finding her way and observing right now. Give her some time and once she feels more comfortable - watch out for the puppy in her. Congratulations on your new addition!!!!!
She is a baby and the whole world is new to her. Things that she has walked past 50 times will suddenly scare the day lights out of her. For Echo it was the trashcans. We walk the same way everyday, at about 12 months old he all of a sudden became aware of trashcans. He wouldn't come within 15 feet of any of them. It was like they were out to get him.
Yup. My Lolli is 9 months old and *is* shy and fearful of other dogs. She is definitely passive and barks like a loon if another dog is near. She was one who will lay flat if someone new comes up to her to pet her adorableness.
She has come a long way over the last three months. She will now sniff other dogs (face only, she is not a butt sniffer nor will she allow her butt to be sniffed, just like a good southern lady!) with a tiny bit of coaxing. She doesn't like yappers, but she is beginning to want to play with bigger dogs. She loves people once who approach her slowly and is their BFF as soon as we talk to them and assure her they are "safe".
Even if your pup is shy/fearful, it's OK. She can/will work through it with a lot of outside exposure, love and patience.
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