Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am so shook up I can barely type. We were out on our a.m. walk when suddenly this dog got out of his yard and attacked JD. I had to drop his leash, he was trapped. JD put up a fight but he's handicapped by his ruptured disc, and he fell. The other dog was over him down on the ground, I was screaming and trying to kick the other dog, I don't even know exactly what happened, my brain just shut down and it's a blur, it all happened so fast, but the dog was off of him by the time the owners came out. I was mostly worried about JD's back and didn't even know he was bitten until we got home. He has a puncture wound with a tear under his eye (thank God he missed the eye itself) and a big scrape across the top of his head. We're just back from the ER. They cleaned it and gave me pain meds and antibiotics...just what he needs with his IBD. I may not give him the pain meds, but I have to give him the amoxicillin, which is certain to upset his stomach. And I have to apply warm compresses to the wound under his eye several times a day for a few days so it doesn't scab up too fast. I am so upset I'm shaking. That dog got out of that yard so fast and so easily, they may as well not even have had a fence. 

Going to pick up his amoxicillin now. Poor JD. 

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Thank you Sally.

I am so sorry, Karen, that this happened to JD and you.   I hope that JD is doing OK today.  JD is so sweet!

Thanks, Gail! 

Oh No! I am so sorry for you & JD (sorry to that I am just seeing your post this morning)
I hope JD slept ok last night & is doing better this morning.
( I had tramadole (sp) after 1 of my surgeries & it did absolutely nothing for me)
I hope that JD will fully recover from this....with his back & tummy being A-ok

I had a similar attack years ago : ( I do know the horrible feeling of it happening

I am glad the owner paid for his bill. We all know something more then that should be done. A dog who attacks for no reason ...And one that was not in a well fenced in yard.. : (

Sending heeling hugs to JD

Thanks, Pam. 

Hope you and JD had a good nights sleep last night and that you are both feeling better this morning. Hopefully the owners of the other dog are going to do some reinforce my of their fence and gate to make sure this cannot happen again. Hugs to you both.

Thanks, Stella.

JD and I had a quiet night, and so far there are no signs of the meds upsetting his tummy. Thank you all for your concern and good wishes. 

I'm so happy to hear this!


That's good to hear! Karen, I thought of this last night, wondering if you might have any Rescue Remedy  (1 for pets, 1 for humans) in the house. Its an herbal concoction meant to calm nerves. Sounds like you both could have used some yesterday. Its funny, but whenever I could use some, I don't even think about having it in the house. I've had a couple bottles for a couple months now and have only ever used it on Oscar, before a long, hilly road trip. Worked great... he just curled into a ball and slept the whole way.

How is Jack's demeanor today?

He seems better. Thanks, Debb. 



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