Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Charlie notices some of the very subtle sounds and knows exactly what that means!

Sound of poop bag unrolling ---- she hear this from another room and comes running! Time for walk!

Zipping up my briefcase -------------- I do my weekly paper work on Sunday night, and once I am done, I take it to the office to drop it off since its due every Monday morning. She hears this zzzzzz ! sound and knows its time for the car ride!

Chime sound the computer makes when I shut down --- Mom is done with the computer and is going to play with me!! She comes running with some sort of toy in her mouth!!

It never fails.. she could be comfortably sleeping on the couch, but when she hear these sounds, she knows!! How about your doodle?

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When the coat closet door opens!  It means someone is getting a jacket or a leash and it is time for a walk.

When we lived in Germany, our dog (a miniature poodle) would listen for the sound of the motorcycle coming over the hill several miles away.  When he heard the motorcycle, he knew Charlie was on his way home and would run to the door to greet him.

Isn't that amazing that they can differentiate the different car and other vehicle's sound from their favorite person's!!

Bailey knows the sound of her leash being picked up from the counter and comes running for a walk.  She knows the sound of the pantry door opening (where her treats are stored).  But the one that makes her run fastest is the hard boiled egg container opening.....oh boy, a yummy egg yolk is coming her way!! 

The shower door closing... Luna knows someone is getting out needs help grooming their legs dry!  Luna hates having wet paws so I think she assumes we also don't like having wet paws.

Luna also knows the sound of my husband's car engine (she runs to the door before he opens the garage door) and my father's car (he often visits or drives me to/from work).

Another one that always amazes is me is that she can be in a dead sleep... and someone stretches (sitting at a computer, in bed etc.) and she runs over wagging like crazy.  I guess she thinks stretching means you might be about to get up soon and play with her.


I also forgot vegetable chopping.  I don't know how she knows the difference.. maybe it's louder?  But she knows when I'm chopping veggies she can have a sample if she shows up quickly enough :)

Oh yes, veggie or fruit chopping.  The dogs are both right under my feet the minute I start chopping.

How cute that Luna helps her humans "groom" their legs dry!  What a sweet girl!

Are they way smart or what !!!!  My Sasha knows how to spell now.... she knows O-U-T and W-A-L-K so i can't even spell those two words any more because she know what they mean... I love smart doodles :)

Barbara, that is way tooooo cute.  We always spell "walk" or Libby gets too crazy to put her leash on her!  Do you now have a "code" word for walk!  LOL

Ahhhh! She is soooo smart!!

Too Cute,,,,Kyoko...Rosie knows the sound of her dog food being put into her dish, she comes running, the other is like Lonnie, when I get her gear out for going for our walks, it does not matter where she is in the house she starts going crazy with excitement!



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