Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So today would have been Riley's 5th birthday.  I woke up in an especially sad mood, not really wanting to acknowledge his absence or the gaping hole that's still in my heart.  It would figure that I finally get a day off from the rat race that would coincide with a day I would rather have my brain buried at work.  

I'm trying to keep myself busy, so I decided to start my spring cleaning. (Yes, I know I'm about a month or two behind)  I've found a lot of "Riley tumbleweeds" as I like to refer to them, which hasn't helped matters.  As the sun is shining in, I've noticed a long wall of dog drool that's obviously been there for a while... how I never noticed it until today is beyond me... I'd love to know what my friends think when they come over.  Anyway, I've tried using a windex multi-surface cleaner and it worked a little.  Any of you have any magic products or ingredients that I can try so It doesn't look like I live in squalor?  After all, I want my house to be spotless when my new puppy shows up in a couple of weeks ready begin his mayhem on my home.  :-)


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I am so sorry for your loss and for all of the sad reminders of far as dog drool I have a steam cleaner that works well or just a wet cloth heated up in the microwave (use rubber gloves to take out) and held to the wall for a short time.

Keeping busy does help and although your new pup will will ot replace Riley he certainly find a new place in your heart, which will help too.  As for the walls, I painted my walls with semi-gloss paint so they are washable, but if your walls are painted with flat you I would try a mixture of 50% vinegar/50% water.  Spray a small area and wipe with an old towel/rag while it is still quite wet (do a test area first). You can also try a foaming cleaner or a liquid cleaner like Mr. Clean (diluted).

Makes me sad to hear about Riley's birthday, not even 5 years old, too soon.  Maybe the cleaning will be cathartic.  Hope your day somehow brightens up. 

I use a steam cleaner as well.It is a great cleaning tool.Look forward to the new pupi and cherish Riley's memories.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser........I think the angels invented them.

I agree Marnie, they work wonders on anything!

I was just coming here to post the same suggestion!  I buy them in bulk at Costco  :)

Ditto on the Magic Erasers! 

I hope you are able to find some joy in this day with the good memories you've made with Riley. 

I use the Magic Eraser, too.

My sympathies as you negotiate this hard road of grief over you sweet Riley. 

So sorry for this day of reminders of Riley!  Keeping busy helps the heart and soul, so maybe Riley in a round about way is helping!  Hugs and prayers to you.

I agree Lonnie, hugs and prayers.

Happy Birthday Riley!  I bet he has a bunch of new buddies up beyond the rainbow bridge and they are having a great party for him :D  but yes...5 was way too young.

I wonder if bleach would work?  I would try Colleens wet cloth thing first but one time I got red wine on the wall and read that Bleach is good to clean walls it because paint is porous or something on the lines of that.  



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