Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We have a one year old living next door who LOVES Bodi. He is a bit wobbly on his feet yet, but toddles (uphill) to see Bodi whenever he can. Today he greeted Bodi and then Bodi embarassed me . . . he went and peed on the little boy's wagon. urghghgh. Of course I was yelling NO and STOP and the little guy thought I was yelling at him. At least they are "dog people" and didn't get upset!!
So what has your doodle done to embarass you?
JD has never done anything to embarrass me, but my last dog once peed on a date's shoe.
I think we should start a "What have you done to embarrass your doodle" thread. LOL!
Darwin is a good boy but let's see.... what have I done to embarrass him?
-Talked about his pooping routine in front of other dogs/people.
-Make kissy noises and baby talk at him in front of his dog friends.
-Accidentally fed one of his dog treats to a 2 year old human boy.
-Got mad at him during puppy kindergarten when he started humping another puppy, and I made him stop.
Camilla, I see that you can be such an embarrassment to poor long-suffering Darwin!!!! :-}
Murphy went through a phase where he really didn't like joggers. When we were walking he had a habit of waiting until they were right next to us and then he'd lunge at them barking like crazy. Needless to say, the joggers were not too happy and usually had a few "choice words" for me....very embarrassing.
My doodles have been pretty good, but we had a poodle that embarrassed us frequently. Two incidents that I can think of happened in Germany. First, we were checking into a nice little bed and breakfast place and the dog walked in and proceeded to scrape his butt across the rug. The German lady just laughed and said, "Oh, du hast verme in der hiney." Another time, he was riding in his box behind me on the motorcycle. It was leather, had a tannau cover that strapped around his neck and he had goggles - all fitted out for a trip. On the motorcycle - my DH, me, and the dog. As we were cruising down the autobahn at 100 mph, he decided he wanted a better view and crawled out of the box and up onto my neck. Yikes. How to let my DH know? Well, the people driving past and laughing got his attention and he slowed down and pulled off the autobahn. Can you imagine 100 mph on a motorcycle with a dog standing on your neck??
A few weeks ago we were at a therapy visit at the stroke recovery group. Gavin was in the middle of a small group of men when he struck the classic downward dog pose and stretched. For Gavin this means one thing and one thing only. He did not disappoint. He expelled gas in a long loud pooooff. The men politely pretended that they did not notice, but lets face it - farts are funny (especially to men!). So...I decided to go for the joke and looked at Gavin and said "I guess if they don't pay the rent ya gotta kick 'em out." The men burst into uproarious laughter. It was the best moment of the visit!
I read this post last weekend but have not been able to get back to it until now. First I have to say Fozzie does NOT embrace the waterdog in him. On a hot 4th of July family gathering at Sanford Lake I didn't put out his water bucket thinking he would walk across the lawn to the lovely little private sandy beach for a drink from the lake. Afterall, I've seen him drink out of a muddy puddle, the chicken's water bucket and the toilet. I was so surprised when a cousin let me know Fozzie was drinking out of my Aunt's glass of tea!! Yup, he had his doodle mouth all over her glass...he would not go near the lake even for a drink. I always put out his water bucket now!!!
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