Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sherlock was microchipped at the age of 4 months. He's 8 months old now, and his microchip has moved from the center of his shoulders down to an inch above his right leg's elbow. It hasn't moved in about 2 months, but the vet said if it moves past his elbow, they'll have to take it out and re-chip him. Did anyone else's dog's chip move? Noah will be chipped at 4 months as well, but I'm concerned the same thing will happen to him. Was this just a fluke or did the vet fail to implant it correctly?

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Yikes - I've never heard of this before. How alarming; poor Sherlock. I guess being just below the skin surface it can't do any real harm...? I'll ask my vet to bleep Finny next time we visit.
I have heard of the chips "migrating" but my understanding was that they did ont remove the migrated chip. Sometimes they don't even re-chip as when they are checked for identification the wand is moved all over the body in case the chip has moved.

If anybody has more information - please post.
I never thought to have Jack's chip checked; maybe I'll ask the vet about it. I would like more info, too.
I don't know how common this is, but I know of one doodle owner whose dog's chip completely vanished. She had to get re-microchipped. I keep meaning to have Rosco's checked... but every time I go to the vet I forget.
it probably didn't vanish, but just stopped sending a radio signal. unfortunately they can and do break sometimes :(
Sorry that happened to your dog but I guess we should all check to see if the chip is still where it is suppose to be, and not find out when it is too late. I am going to have Ozzy's checked. Let us know how you make out with this, I know I will be wondering
My cat's chip is mobile as well. I have had 3 different vets say that it isn't a big deal, they just move. However, as the OP mentioned if they get close to the elbow (a critical joint), it's better to have the original one removed and re-chip.
We took Abby to have her chip scanned for her lifetime dog license. The first person that scanned her couldn't find it. A second person scanned her and found it about the middle of her back. Home Again said sometime chips do migrate.
I used to work for a vet office. The microchips can and do "migrate" sometimes, usually not a fault of the vet doing the implantation. We ALWAYS scanned pets all over their bodies looking for chips when we had a found pet, and it was part of protocol at this vet office that every year during annual physicals/vaccinations, they were scanned to make sure their chip was still working, and it was even noted in the chart not only that it was functioning but also where it was beeping at. Most stayed put around the shoulders. We would sometimes also come up with a "dud" or non-functioning microchip :( We always checked them just prior to and just post of placement into the pet. Sometimes a few years down the road for one reason or another they can stop working and the owner will have to have another implanted. Our vet didn't charge for a 2nd chip if the 1st one failed (it was really rare, maybe we would get 1 or 2 a year) and the microchip services (Home Again, AVID) typically would waive another activation fee for another chip with verification from our vet that the original had ceased to function.
The chips in all my dogs/cats have stayed put in the shoulder blades and are functioning, but funny thing....the chip in my horse's neck has migrated down from where it was first implanted to her lower neck!
WOW, how interesting. I would never of thought that the chip would move. As a nurse I would think unless it is in the blood stream it stayed put. HMMMMM, you have just probably opened alot of our eyes. I never ask the vet to check Lucy's chip and don't even know if they do it and I am not aware of it, BUT I will tell you that from now on I will ask and make sure they check it. Thank you very much for enlightening me and many others.
Wow. Didnt know this could happen. How did he know it moved? Can it be felt? What should I feel for? I have never felt it but sometimes when I pick abby up from under her front shoulders (and I am always soft and gentle) she will let out a pain squeal. I cant figure it out and have often wondered if her m/c is pinching her?
I don't think you can feel it, Reg, it's supposedly only the size of a grain of rice.
(My miniature poodle used to have discomfort, too, when I picked her up facing her with my hands under her front "armpits"...I think that may have something to do with putting pressure on the tendons there.)
I did have the tech at the vet's office scan Jack since this was first posted, and it was really hard for her to find his chip...she had to move the wand all over him for quite awhile before we finally got a reading...I was beginning to think they had lied at the shelter about him even having one. What worries me is that if he was ever lost, found and brought to a facility, I don't know if they would take that much time to keep looking for a chip. They might just assume he didn't have one if they didn't find anything after a minute, especially in a piublic animal control shelter. Hmmmm....



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