Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My friend who works at the local animal shelter posted this on the Facebook.

So I thought I would share. What do you think?

I don't have any humper right now, but my old Butter used to hump when he was younger.

He bit the corner of the sofa open, and grossly humped there. eeeewww.

 I had to throw away my sofa!!

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I disagree with this trainer. I do think that a dog humping another dog is often an attempt to dominate. I think that part of the reason for this trainer stating that it's not a dominance behavior is that her definition of "dominance" is too narrow and that she understands resources to be tangible things only:

"Dominance refers to priority access to a resource, and I have yet to see a dog use humping to gain access to food, toys, space, or anything else tangible."

"...dogs almost never use humping as a form of status seeking or as a display of status. In fact, in more than ten years of training, I’ve only met one dog who appeared to use humping as a means of status seeking. (And even in that case, the dog was also pretty insecure, so the humping was more likely caused by her anxiety than by her desire to climb the social ladder.)"

"Dominance" does not only refer to access to resources, it also refers to position in the pack, and the attempt to elevate one's position. I have seen it done to the new dog at the dog park or the play group countless times.  I guess she's calling this status, but even there she says she's only seen it once. As for resources, I've seen a house dog hump a newcomer as if to say "This is MY house, and I'm the boss here." I know that it was not being done due to stress, boredom, arousal, or anything other than to instruct the newcomer as to his postion, because the humper were confident dogs who engaged in "humping" except in this circumstance. Also, all resources are not "tangible". Your attention is a valuable resource to a dog, yet that's not real tangible. 

I think this is one of those touchy, feely, positive-methods only type of trainers who never thinks any dog is aggressive or dominant. That doesn't mean she's not a good trainer, but I don;t agree with her on the humping issue. Humping sofas is maybe not a dominant behavior, but I think that in many cases of humping other dogs, (or people) it IS.  

I completely agree with you!  One or two of my dogs almost always hump the "new guy or girl" when we have a dog visit.  It's always my more dominate (leader) dogs.  Once order has been established, they are buddies and go play. 


Also, of all the dogs I've ever owned or fostered, only the pushiest, most dominant dogs have ever humped other dogs at all. I've never seen a shyer dog like JD do this. 

I have been wondering about this. Pinot Grigio is now going on 10 months and he has been neutered since April. I wondered if he would ever attempt to mount Charlie or not and if he does how to I redirect that. Charlie is bossy and does not share things often, while Pinot is very clam and gentle. Their relationship works well between them two, like when they play fetch, Pinot will run to go get the toy, but would never get it, and allows Charlie to get it EVERYTIME. Or when they play tag-a-war, Charlie now cannot win by the strength ( Pinot is getting stronger) so, she will let out a little growl, and Pinot will let go of the toy. So, your explanation make sense, and he ( very mellow )may never attempt to mount her...

I agree- Pinot knows his place in the heirarchy and is not trying to challenge it--Rio, my male, was "the boss" at the age of three months and the other two always give in to him--I wish they wouldn't, but you really can't change those things--I just never let it get out of hand and make sure he shares.

I've always believed that humping behavior was a show of dominance and my experience with dogs has proved this to be true. 

I read this the other day and also disagreed with it--I have a humper--Mattie, my smallest LD is at the bottom of the totem pole in the doodle heirarchy of my three yet she is the oldest and the smartest by far--she just can't be bothered to take a toy or guard a resource--however, she will hump the other female Lyric whenever Lyric is distracted by something--she never does it to the male and the male never humps anyone since he is at the top of the totem pole! So, I think Mattie is trying to sneak in and dominate when she has the chance--no other explanation I can think of....

Luca humps Calla sometimes. He is the dominant one of the pair although Calla could squash him.


Guinness is my little "humper".  For him it's all about excitement and I think it "feels good".  When he and Murph start to play it usually will end up with a "hump fest".  Murphy is pretty tolerant of it, but he does reach a point where he's had enough and will let him know to cut it out.  They know I hate it, so they always go upstairs to "do the deed". 

HAHA!!! Maybe you should put a little romantic music on for them! That is funny....

Well I told them to "get a room" and they did....mine.



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