Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I got to ask Donna some fun questions recently and now I'm happy to share her answers with you! Enjoy the interview!
Donna, how would you describe your personality?
This is the question that made me think the hardest, it's often easy to describe someone else's personality but not so easy to describe your own.
I am not a confident person even though I can put on a good act sometimes. I am somewhat shy in new situations, I am not a big talker but I do become much more loquacious after a glass or two of wine. :>) I have a good sense of humor and love to make people laugh. When I was younger I was painfully shy and developed my wit as a coping mechanism. I do not like to be the center of attention and prefer to remain on the sidelines. I am the idea person but I used to prefer to let someone else put the idea into production even though it meant I didn't get the credit, I'm over that. :>) I am easy going and a peacekeeper, confrontation makes me really uncomfortable even when I am just a witness and not actually involved, but every now and then I just have to speak up. I will stand up for others who are being bullied or abused in any way. I have a tendancy for my mouth to be in gear before my brain catches up. I have jokingly said that my online persona is much more interesting that my real one.
Do you have any special talents (voice, art, dance, instrument, math?)
My son once told me to stop singing because I was hurting his ears, I have two left feet and am left and right challenged. If I couldn't look at my left hand and see that L I'd be perpetually lost, heck I get lost at the mall. I'm really not great at anything, but I did dabble in some painting a few years ago and for awhile fancied myself an artist. Move over Da Vinci there's a new kid in town. It started out as tole painting and then I got a bit more adventurous. I have a little talent but not enough. I've been meaning to go back to it and try to improve but that hasn't happened yet. I thought that when I retired I would have all the time I needed to indulge in all my interests, but there is a time bandit afoot and I'm left wondering where all my time went. I won't be taking orders, you can't afford me. :>)))))
Have you ever been a trail blazer or ring leader in something?
I've never been a trail blazer, and the only time I was a ringleader in something it almost got us kicked out of nursing school. There was an anatomically correct mannequin that we used for practice to hone our skills for procedures before we were let loose on some poor unsuspecting patient. Now Annie was a female mannequin but she did come with spare parts to make her a male or at least a well endowed hermaphrodite. Being a mixed class of male and female students and having poor Annie exposed day after day seemed a little unfair to me, so I had the bright idea to attach the male parts and talked one of my classmates into doing the deed. Later that day our instructor came in, and in front of the entire class whipped back the sheets on poor Annie to demonstrate a procedure and revealed her in her new male splendor. The instructor turned shades of red I had never seen before and her acute embarassment quickly dissolved into acute anger. To say she was having an apoplectic fit would be an understatement. The only reason we didn't get kicked out of school is because nobody in the class would rat us out. I just love it when a plan comes together.
Are you a party planner?
There was a time when I would use any excuse to throw a party but life got busier and planning parties became more work than fun. The last big party I planned was a 50th wedding anniversary party for my parents and that was a couple of years ago. These days I usually just do luncheons they are so much easier.
Did you grew up on Newfoundland?
I've lived in Newfoundland all my life, not always in the same town, I've actually lived in eight different towns. I've lived in Torbay for 25 years and now and finally call it home. It took me a long time to stop calling the town I was born in home, even though I haven't lived there for 40 years. I grew up in a small town with not a care in the world and the beaches and ocean were my playground. Thinking back it's a wonder I ever survived childhood. We took a rowboat out into the Atlantic Ocean without a life vest and not one of us knew how to swim. I fell out of trees, climbed clifts, jumped ice pans and once on a dare I even jumped off a roof. The roof jump was not my smartest move as I landed on my butt and I still remember the pain, maybe that's why I'm afraid of heights now. They are right about the fall not being the problem but the sudden stop at the bottom. :>) I remember jumping up and running into the house, out of the house, into the house all the while screaming, it was the most intense pain I have ever felt. I scared my poor mother half to death. I think I must have compacted my spine and that's why I'm so short. :>) This is a picture of the little cove that was my playground.
Newfoundland has always been behind the times and seemed to be in a bit of a time warp. I can still remember back in the days when we had no electricity and no running water. Sadly, Newfoundland is catching up in a hurry and is no longer the insulated, safe place it used to be. Newfoundland's economy is now booming and brings with it all the bad along with the good. Crime is on the rise and sad to say we recently had our first drive by shooting.
What challenges are there in living off the beaten path?
The biggest drawback to living in Newfoundland (other than the weather) is the fact that we are an island and you either have to fly or take a twelve hour car ride and a six hour ferry ride for us to get off the island. I would so love to be able to just get in the car and drive, I think we would travel a lot more if we could.
What do you love about Newfoundland?
I love so much about Newfoundland, we have great scenery, tons of hiking trails, vast areas of wilderness and while most of our coastline is jagged and rocky we also have some great beaches. It is a wonderful place to enjoy the outdoors, our culture is unique and some would say a little odd. Newfoundland is known for it's friendly people and no one is a stranger for long. We live just ten minutes outside the capital city and have the best of both worlds, the quiet of a small town but with all the city has to offer at our finger tips. Of course one of the things that I love most is that I can drive five minutes from my house and sit and watch the whales play when they come to visit in the early summer.
Tell us about your family and siblings.
I am a middle child, I have an older sister and a younger brother. My sister is just a year older than me and we were sometimes mistaken for twins. I was always a little jealous of my sister with her being the taller, thinner, prettier one. My brother is 3 years younger than me and it seems I spent a lot of time taking care of my brother, but I would rather have given him away, especially when he cut the hair off my dolls. To get even I threw his favorite dinkies in the ocean. My least favorite request when I was a child was 'go find your brother' and it seemed to come often. We were always outside and as long as we showed up for meals our parent had no idea where we were. My parents are both still living and well. My dad is one of the kindest, hardest working men I know. At 82 he still grows all his own vegetables and is active from daylight to dark. My dad worked away from home a lot when we were children and my mom worked equally as hard, taking care of three children on her own in what were some very lean times. Sadly they live 600 miles away so I don't get to see them as often as I would like to.
What is the first thing you ever wanted to be when you grew up?
Growing up the only thing I ever wanted to be was older. :>) That hasn't changed, I still want to be older because it sure beats the alternative. I always loved building things and building blocks were my favorite toy. I would also snitch nails and scrap pieces of wood and try to build things. I should have paid attention to that because I think I would have loved being a carpenter and making fine furniture.
What has your career path been?
I started my career as a secretary- accounting clerk for an oil delivery company. There were three of us who worked in the office, myself, the bosses daughter and the fiancée of the bosses nephew. The company downsized and guess who was the first to go. I didn't know it at the time but they did me a huge favor. I thought about it for a couple of months and decided that wasn't what I wanted to spend my life doing and so I enrolled in nursing school and never looked back. I worked for 35 years as a pediatric nurse and it was the most fulfilling job. I loved working with the kiddies and having a touch of Peter Pan Syndrome might have had something to do with that. This pic is from a newspaper article from when we moved from our old hospital to a brand new one. I was a little bit of a celebrity for awhile as this pic showed up in new papers all across the province.
What were some pivotal or influential events or people in your life?
My parents were the most influential people in my life and deeply instilled in me a sense of right and wrong and to be kind and caring. My parents are two of the kindest, most gentle people I know and there is nothing bad that can be said about either one of them.
What is the scariest or most nerve wracking thing you ever had to do?
I have a fear of heights, for years I made attempts to walk a very narrow trail that skirts along the clifts and beside the ocean. There is one particular area that is so narrow that there is actually a chain attached to the clift to hold while you cross. So many times I got to that point and would go no further, my knees would shake and my heart would race and if you promised me a million dollars I wouldn't have passed that area, until one day I finally screwed up my courage and went for it. Now I do that trail all the time even with a doodle in tow, it still makes me a little nervous but not enough to stop me.
How many children do you have?
I have one son who is now 25, where oh where did that time go? We adopted Mark at 3 mos old and would have preferred that he was not an only child but that was not to be. The day they placed him in my arms was the happiest day of my life. He was the most content, happiest babe who at 4mos had a huge belly laugh that was a joy to hear. Life had never been boring since that day. He is now working 3000 miles away but will be coming home for a visit in a few weeks.
How did you meet your husband?
My DH pursued me, he was very persistent, I was not interested, in fact he totally annoyed me. For some reason every time he passed by me he used to pet my head like I was a dog, which just made me want to growl at him. My sister had a crush on his friend and that friend would only go on a date with her if I agreed to a double date with DH. My sister can be very persuasive( she begged) and the rest is history. My sister's date turned out to be the one and only date with that guy. It's funny how things work out sometimes. DH and I have been married for 34 years and he's still pursuing me, although he did give up petting me on the head. :>)
What pets did you have growing up?
My family were not animal lovers and there was no way we were getting a dog. Actually there weren't many dogs in our neighborhood but there were lots of cats. Two of my grandparents (one from each side of the family) died within a few weeks of each other when I was eleven, and my parents, in a moment of weakness, relented and let us get a cat. We were so excited but it wasn't meant to be, the kitten went missing and we found him dead under the shed when he was only a few months old. We never did get another pet and I don't think we ever asked again. We did try to keep pet frogs, we would capture one, bring it home and put it in a bucket, but it was always gone the next day. I like to think they made their way back to the frog pond as we never found any froggie remains. The three of us children are now total dog lovers and even though my parents will never own a dog they do tend to spoil the grand-dogs when they visit.
What led you to getting your current dog, Quincy?
I had been wanting a dog for a very long time but I wanted more than a dog I wanted a buddy. I always worked shift work while most of my friends and DH were doing the 9-5 lifestyle so whatever I was doing I was mostly doing alone. While my son was young life was just too busy to devote the time to a dog that it deserved. I couldn't justify getting a dog that would be home alone most of the time. When my son was grown the urge to get a dog kept getting stronger. It took two years of looking at dogs and putting doggy pics as my computer background until I finally convinced DH the time was right. I wanted a big furry dog that didn't shed and that led me to a Goldendoodle, I got it half right, he is big. :>) He is definitely my best buddy and goes every where with me.
Tell us about the first time meeting Quincy--what were your thoughts and feelings?
The first day I met Quincy was the day I picked him up to bring him home. He was a scared, shaking little thing and I fell in love right away. I did have a few panicky thoughts about whether or not I had made the right decision about the huge commitment I had just made, but they faded quickly and I came to love this little creature more than I ever thought possible. What I didn't count on was how much having a dog would affect my lifestyle. I thought if we wanted to travel I would just find a boarding facility and problem solved. That's not the way it turned out. Now when we travel I don't want to leave him and my motto is 'where I go, the doodle goes' and if dogs aren't welcome, we go somewhere that they are. My days are planned around Quincy after all it is All About the Doodle and I have the t-shirt to prove it.
How did you find DK?
A friend of mine who also had a doodle told me about DK because someone else had told her. The funny thing is she has never joined while I am a Hopeless Doodle Addict.
Do you remember any moment when you felt really comfortable here on DK or felt like you had a place to call home online?
I don't remember any particular moment that made me feel really comfortable but I've always felt at home on DK. I don't think of my DK friends as just online entities, but consider them to be real and wonderful friends. DK to me is my safe place and I find myself putting more thoughts and feeling out there than I ever thought I would. It is so wonderful to have so many people who share many of the same interests and loves that I have. I don't think there are many days on DK that I don't learn something new. Whenever I am away from DK for a few days I just can't wait to get back and check in to see what is happening and how everyone is doing. It is like coming home. Thanks to DK I am much smarter, wiser and more compassionate dog owner.
If you couldn't have a labradoodle, what breed would you consider?
When I was dog shopping I had pretty much settled on a Portuguese Water Dog, but it was at that time the Obamas got their dog and I thought that everyone would jump on the PWD bandwagon, so I jumped off and went with a doodle instead. At that time no one I knew had a doodle, now I see doodles every where. If I couldn't have a doodle, I would just be settling, but I would either have a Poodle or a PWD.
Were you ever an activist? Any issue you are passionate about?
I have never been an activist but I am passionate about nature and preserving the environment. I get very aggravated by those people who do not respect nature and leave garbage around in total disregard for the environment and others. I love nature and the great outdoors and spend as much time as I can hiking the various coastal trails that are being developed in Newfoundland. I hate to see our coastlines and open spaces being ruined by the construction that takes away our ability to traverse the coastal trails unimpeded.
Do you collect anything?
DH and I have a small collection of antique bottles that have been found items. We do not buy them but find them while hiking and exploring. We have one from Burdock's Blood Bitters ( doesn't that sound yummy) that is now worth about $10 so we won't be retiring on this windfall, but we have found some interesting bottles over the years.
Favorites- What's your all-time favorite movie?
The Wizard of Oz is my all time favorite movie despite the fact that it was made twenty years before I was born. The first time I saw it I was about 10 yrs old on The Wonderful World of Disney, one of our two TV stations. I had to fake being sick so I could stay home from church to see it. It was quite the award winning performance complete with a little moaning and hugging of the stomach with a little wretch thrown in for good measure. I had to miss my dinner because you can't eat when you are too sick to go to church, but it was so worth it. I loved every minute of the movie, flying monkeys and all.
Actor? My favorite actor is actually an actress, Kathy Bates, I've loved every movie that she's ever been in. I remember reading Stephen King's Dolores Claiborne and picturing Kathy Bates as the lead character. A couple of years later the movie came out and there she was. BTW, if you haven't read the book it is really good.
Recording artist? I like easy listening music, and while I don't really have a favorite, I am an Eagles fan and I do like James Taylor. I've just recently dusted off his CD and have been listening to it again. I really just love the older stuff, that you can sing along with, not that I can sing, but that's never stopped me.
Song? One of my favorite songs is Don Maclean- Vincent ( Starry Starry Night)
Which album would you choose as the "sound-track of your life"?
I'd like to say Dirty Dancing but I think it's more like the Tommy James Song- Draggin the Line. :>)
Describe an ideal dinner out (including who would join you, where you'd be, what you'd eat?
I really don't like to eat out that much unless it is a meal that I really can't make at home. I can't stand stuffy, pretentious restaurants. I prefer a more comfortable place to enjoy the time with my friends and family.
My dinner would actually be a picnic with all my DK friends and their doodles at the Ferryland Lighthouse, complete with blankets, picnic baskets and a warm sunny day, with the humpback whales providing the entertainment. Everyone's invited, just let me know when you will be arriving as I need to make reservations. :>)
What three movies would you take along to a desert island.
The three movies I would take to a desert island are Simon Birch, Fried Green Tomatoes and The Wizard of Oz.
If you had to change your first name, what would you choose?
It's funny you should ask this question and I have thought about this before, of course the name I'd choose changes with the time but I've always loved Kathleen, it sounds so soft and romantic to me. I probably shouldn't change my name since some folks are already confused because DH calls me Annie ( my middle name) all the time.
Over or under? (the TP roll)
Biroller, it can go either way and I just roll with the punches paper. As long at there's paper on the roll, it's all good.
Nightgown, PJ's, (or nudist or Intercourse T?)?
Since the advent of menoupause, let's just say you could shoot the moon any night at our house. :>) I do promise that if y'all come to visit I'll make sure there's a total eclipse of the moon.
F, we are only 15 mins from the airport. :>)
Don't forget...I am flying in with you :)
How could I forget that ? : ) Seriously let's plan.
LOL I knew I could count on you to find the best route :) If you guys are really going, I'll meet up with you at the airport. Donna, send hotel names :)
Yes, I would love to if we can work out a time. Can you imagine the fun we'd have meeting Donna and taking pictures?? And if you get tired of Laurie arguing talking to you about ACV, I can distract her LOL
Thank you Cheryl, I am pretty sure you will be seeing more pictures. :>)
Donna I loved this so much! I love hearing about your childhood, it sounds like every kid's dream to be so active in such a beautiful place. I am totally going to that picnic, I would love to meet you in person! The photos are so wonderful in this interview, the ones of you with your son are really beautiful!
Thanks Camilla, I think kids miss out on a lot these days but of course we didn't have video games to keep us occupied. We got excited about a new puzzle or board game. The really big excitement was when float planes would land in our little cove, that would put us right over the top. :>))
I also feel at Home at DK, and feel as that my DK friends are real.... I love your picnic dinner and bottle collection!!
Thank you Kyoko, our doodles may have brought us here, but it's the great friends that make us stay.
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