Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Help! Nipa's 8 months old with a healthy appetite, dRinks plenty of water and excercise. She has to go and gets in the position and nothing. Will do this 2-3 times and nothing. Anyone else have this issue? Words of wisdom welcome!!!

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She may need more fiber in her diet. 

She's dry food. Orijens puppy formula with a 1/2 tsp of fish oil each day

Orijen is an excellent food but it can cause constipation in some puppies. Try giving her a couple of tablespoons of plain pure canned pumpkin (NOT pie filling) with her meals, the extra fiber may help. 

Now she's throwing up all of her food and liquids
About 4x in the past 15 min. It's all water now. Bringing her to vet in am.
Freaking out right now.

Call an emergency vet!!!

Michelle, calm down and take her to the ER. She needs to be seen now, she may have an obstruction. Please update us when you can. 

I agree ER VET NOW... could be an obstruction and she needs to be checked to make sure she will be okay and not need immediate surgery.

Michelle, Take a deep breath and stay calm. How long has Nipa been on this food and has this been an ongoing problem? How long since she pooed last?

Ok, I was thinking the same as Karen and it's always better safe than sorry. ER is a very good idea.

How is Nipa doing this morning?



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