Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am rescuing a stray, abandoned one year old Goldendoodle and she arrives at my house on Thursday morning.  Kona (9.5 month Double Doodle that I got from a breeder at 8 weeks old) met her and really liked playing with her at the adoption event on Saturday.   There was a line out the door applying to adopt her, and I'm almost certain that they chose me over literally dozens of other families and applicants because of how well she got along with Kona.  For the other dogs and people visiting her, she sat politely and didn't make eye contact and was very shy.  But with Kona, they crawled on each other, danced, and bounced around.  And she came over and hugged me and kissed me.


I'm hoping that the adoption and rescue people are correct that she will adjust quickly and love having a playmate.  But I do have a bit of nervousness about how LONG Kona will like having a playmate.  He is so adored and loved on by me and my boyfriend and is the center of attention wherever he goes, so I worry that he'll get jealous and want her to "go home" and just accept her for part time play. 


Anyone have experience with taking in a rescue doodle?  Any tips would be appreciated.  Kona still is crated every night, and when I leave him alone for about 3 to 4 hours a day, he is in the kitchen with a baby gate.  Would you recommend I get a second crate for night time for the new dood, or do I make the jump of letting them have the kitchen for bed time with open door crates? 

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I'm probably not the best person to reply to this discussion because I am very prejudiced about having two dogs (totally for it).  We have had two dogs ever since we started with doodles (10 years ago).  Our standard poodle lost his companion and was devastated.  He cried and moped around the house, as he had never spent a day alone in his life.  My husband and I were still working and our son was in school all day.  So I decided to get him a puppy to keep him company.  I had purchased a Welsh Terrier puppy from a good breeder and the puppy died before we could take possession.  Back to square one.  My brother-in-law suggested a labradoodle because he knew we like large poodles and everyone's favorite dog was a lab.  So I started researching the breed.  They were fascinating!  Found several litters on line and selected the pup I wanted (I know that is not the best way to select a puppy, but I wanted him right then).  He ended up the best dog I have ever had.  When the poodle was elderly and on his last legs, I got the labradoodle a puppy, a goldendoodle puppy.  Then when the labradoodle died, I got the goldendoodle an ALD.  We always have two dogs and they adjust beautifully to each other.  My ALD is a wrestler and would wrestle all day if he had a willing companion.  We care for a couple of other doodles who love to wrestle with him and when they are here, he is in heaven.  I really doubt Kona will be jealous of your new dog and will really enjoy having someone to share his day with him.  Just my opinion (and experience).

Funny! Before I saw your note, I was telling someone about how these two would wrestle all day long if they could. It scared me at first because it looked so rough, but they seem to love it and take turns dominating then lie down together to rest a bit, then back at it! The only problem is that it is causing Kona's super fine curly hair to mat so badly that I far he might need a short cut, which I really have avoided. I love his cartoon teddy bear look. But it is crazy bad now due to the heavy wrestling. Any tips? I've spent hours every day many times a day to stay on top of them, but I can't keep this pace up!
They are so cute together.

Maggie (Yes....I named her Maggie May) has now slept at my house for 4 nights.  3 of those nights were with 4 house guests so it was not the norm with an air mattress on my living room floor!)  Any way, I'm beyond thrilled with how well and how quickly she adjusted.  The first night, I put them both in the kitchen and left Kona's crate door open and gave her a big dog bed to sleep on.  They did great for the 5 short hours that they were left alone.  I had to get up at 5:30 AM to take one of the guests to the airport.  No accidents.  She was happy to see me and greeted me exactly like Kona does every day (down dog, then hands up for a hug).  The second night was not quite as easy.  She realized how short my baby gate was and lept over it within one minute of me leaving them alone and lights out for the night.  Kona barked at the separation, and she did it 2 more times, so I got the travel crate out and they both slept in the kitchen in separate crates with the doors closed on the crate.  She was fine.  Kona cried so I had to soothe him for about 20 minutes so as not to wake my guests in the living room that isn't separated by a solid door. to the stor to get a taller gate and wider so that I could give them more roaming room at night by adding the dining room to their area.  Perfect!  Both slept well with no crying.  Kona in his crate with the door open, and Maggie on the big bed.  And finally her fourth night with JUST ME in the house!  No more guests.  More normal bed time.  All is good!  Yay!  And another lovely surprise this morning.....SHE RANG THE DOGGIE DOORBELL ON HER OWN TO GO POTTY 3 TIMES TODAY!  YAY!!!!  Such a fast learner.  Between me touching her paw to the bell twice yesterday, and just watching Kona, she totally gets it!  I hope that I can get her to learn that she shouldn't run away as easily as I taught her to ring the bell.  She is FAST!  And she slipped out of the front door with just 5 inches cracked open and ran for blocks.  I was only able to catch her by trapping her in a driveway with a friend.  I'm curious if this is why she ended up in a shelter....maybe she ran away and they couldn't find her. 


But in the house and in the back yard, she already sees me as her mom and curls up in my lap for petting, asks for hugs, and comes when I call her.  So I'm hoping she'll learn to come back if she escapes the front door again!

congrats!  Maggie May is so darling!  I'm glad she's learning fast and adjusting well :)  they are just too cute together

They are so happy together, and walk around cheek to cheek for hours a day sharing the same bully stick or toy at the same time.  Zero growling.  They go between tugging and playing with it, to lying down and contentedly chewing on their end of the stick at the same time.  Puzzles me how they adjusted like this so instantly, but I'm happy!

Wow - This is great!!  I am so glad they are so happy together.


Feeling pretty lucky at how well these two get along!  The LOVE each other!  Since day one!



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