Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello ipad/iphone user doodle lovers! Can someone please help me figure out how to upload a video to this site straight from either iphone or ipad? There's a video of GIBBS that I took and I would love to share it with fellow doodle lovers.

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I dont know either and would love to learn how to!!

Hi I couldn't fiqure it out either so when I wont to upload a picture of kash I would email to myself and then save it the computer and up load it dk, try that I might work for videos to. good luck!!

Sorry, i believe, i misspoke...the website only allows for .jpg/.gif..png...sorry!!

NO .mov that i can figure out

Here is what I have done.

  • Use your, or establish a, Youtube account. 
  • upload your video to
  • get the embed code from youtube and upload it to DK

That works

Step by Step ( note: click on photos to enlarge)

  1.  Establish a Youtube Account
  2. from your Apple device  click on your video.  At the bottom select the 'send to' button.    Mine asks if I want to send it to email or YouTube.   Select Youtube ( attention~ you have to set up an account before you upload)
  3. From youtube get your ' Embed Code'

On the Youtube Side

Underneath your video you will see options such as:   share video, email, embed.  > Select Embed

> Highlight and Copy Embed Code.

On DK Side

Paste the embed code from youtube into the box

Now here is my video that I have on Youtube that I did not upload to DK. I am just uploading it into this discussion.  I did this by copying and pasting the embed code into the above box

Absolutely the cutest thing I've seen a doodle do!!!

 This was a lot of work so someone save these directions because I am trashing this computer and I dont want to make these again  :)

Pass on for future use

Now you have to watch my video

Your video is great!  Love it!

Wow. Thank you! I will definitely try these steps!
Thank you all for replying!
You are Welcome! Now I'm looking forward to seeing your videos
Ok, while the video answer was addressed I thought it a good place to explain the ability to add pix and not have to hit a link to look at them....I am Posting this for people who have iPads and want to load pix within the post...
1st stepOpen a Photobucket acct.
2/upload pictures to an album you have created by giving it a proper name
3/ then proceed to choose where PB will pull pixs my case iPhoto..MAC user
4/ choose a pix and tap it to upload it
At this point you will change the screen and go to your album that you created & select the pix you want then>>
5/ on menu bar inPB there is an icon that looks like a link chain
6/ tap it and then tap to copy the HTML code
7/ then in your message/post at DK paste the HTML CODE in message...
VILOA it's there
8/ finish message
Now there is No need to have to tap code while someone is reading message to see pix
Thanks! :D



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