Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi there!  I just got a puppy and he is a mini F2 Golden doodle but he doesn't really look like the typical golden doodle.  I have been researching the mini golden doodle for I would say at least a year and a half and the image that I had in mind when I got my golden doodle is nothing like what I got. So clearly I did not research enough!  I probably sound like a horrible person but I had my heart set on the fluffy bearded golden doodle.  I bought him long distance and my mom got one of his sisters.  She is very fluffy, the exact dog I had in mind.... the moment I saw my little guy, I knew he looked different, his hair was more like fuzzy, almost like polar fleece.  I thought he might be slow fluffer coming into his doodleness but the more I research the more scared I am that he is not the dog I had pictured in my mind.  He is the sweetest little guy, just not what I had in terms of the picture in my mind.  I am a dog lover but I feel like this will be the last puppy I get most likely and I don't want to be disappointed every time I look at him and to spend the amount of money I did on him...I don't know.  I know that sounds horrible.  I would love opinions about his doodleness and can post more pics! 

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I think your puppy is VERY pretty, and looking at his back, I would guess he will get much curlier as he matures. Others here might know better than me if his face will lack furnishings forever, but it really seems to me he would eventually get some at least, given the curls on the rest of his body. I completely understand your disappointment, though, and if I felt the way you do I'd be calling the breeder for return options. Some physical qualities are easier to overlook than others. We were told Oscar, our nearly 11 mo. old multi gen standard labradoodle, would get no bigger than 40lbs. - a major deciding factor, since we were originally looking for a medium. It was obvious at 12 weeks old he would get much bigger. He's currently 55lbs. and still growing! We embraced the size discrepancy because he had the most amazing temperament and was a good match for our older doodle, Lucy. He also came with a genetic 'defect', narrow base canines, which we took in stride and remedied with extractions and ball therapy (the breeder reimbursed us for the extractions). If you find yourself constantly thinking about how you 'didn't get what you expected', then it's best to contact the breeder now.

Okay, now this might sound like a completely nutty idea, but is there any chance that your mother might want to trade puppies?  She might be secretly wishing that she got your adorable little boy, instead of her more traditional-looking girl.  You never know.

I know you are torn, but I would take personality and disposition over looks any day of the week. Your puppy is so unique looking and adorable, but if you can't love him exactly as he is, then I would try and let the breeder have him back. Like others have said, I wanted a laid back dog and was told by the breeder Fudge was the most laid back dog in the litter. God only knows what the other dogs were like, because Fudge is a hunter and reacts to everything moving on our walks. Vern grew to be 100 pounds and rolls in something every single day. I like clean. Vern does not. These dogs are two of the best things that ever happened to me and I would not trade them for anything. I didn't know what I wanted until I got it. Good luck!

I second that :)  A great dog who fits in well with your family comes in any size, colour or coat type... they just have the right personality.  

We intentionally picked the "clown" of the litter and she doesn't disappoint ;)

We were a little disappointed at first when we realized Luna wasn't going to "doodle out", but honestly... we're very happy with the way she turned out and wouldn't have it any other way.   We think she's absolutely beautiful and perfect the way she is :)  She's the most loving, gentle and hilarious dog and it's great. 

We can always see her beautiful eyes, she has no beard to get messy, doesn't require brushing and doesn't need to be clipped!  Her coat is SUPER soft - most people who rub her just can't stop themselves because her hair is so silky soft.

I'm not taking visitors - it's nap time

I think your pup will likely be shaggy everywhere but the face.  If  it's really important to you, as others have said you could return her and ask for a pup from a future litter.

J did mention the lack of mess Luna makes.  Stanlee leaves messes everywhere.  His beard is always dripping water, his coat has leaves and twigs that need to be removed daily, and even though I brush him daily he sheds more than any dog I've ever owned and I have owned so high-shed dogs! 

True!  If she gets covered in grass I just kind of quickly rub her with my hand and everything falls away. :)  

I loooove Luna!

My doodle ended up being exactly what I wanted (coat wise) but it took a whole lot of time to get there.  I wanted a large dog with a "wiry" coat that looked more along the lines of a wolfhound than a doodle.  I wanted a long beard and hair all up in his face.  You'll note from the pictures below the beard had some potential but the bangs were not looking like they would come in.  The first time he blew his coat and his hair fell out I about had a heart attack.  He was balding, had a flat rather than wiry coat and looked like he was part chicken.....really.  I was devastated and sad and at times embarrassed by the way he looked because this was NOT what I was told he would look like.  My family would call him Henny Penny or Chicken Little or Chicken Legs because at that time he was not a regal looking guy.  He is now a year and five months and it hasn't been until the last month or two that he's filled in and gotten the coat I had hoped for over a year ago.  Personality though.....he is the best - dog - EVER!  I am totally and completely addicted to him and can't imagine ever owning any other breed of dog from here on out.  He's a smart, funny, loving, ADHD of a boy and I genuinely couldn't love him any more than I do!!!  It took no time to fall in love with his personality just a little bit longer to love his looks.  And for the record, it’s me laughing at my family now because EVERYBODY loves Stanlee!

Stanlee is 85 pounds, 29 inches, and sheds like a cat!

My goldendoodle Sasha had a puppy coat exactly like your dog and she turned out to be VERY poodley all over.  She has very tight curls.  The only way you can tell my girl has golden in her is from her coloring but coat is all poodle and I would love her no matter what she turned out to be.  I wish she did not have such a tight curl because the curlier the coat the more it is to groom and take care of !!

I don't think it's an issue of the coat itself, but rather the absence of facial furnishings. If you look at puppy pictures of Sasha, she had that "chrysanthemum" in the center of her face. The littermate Abby has it. But this little boy doesn't. 

Your doodle is really cute!!! Looks super soft! Puppy fur changes so much, esp since they are not purebreds theres really no way of knowing. Honestly, if she is sweet and a good puppy be thankful!!! Archies fur has changed SO much over the past few month.  He was more straight, now his back is super curly like a poodle, but his face, legs and tail are straight. He realyl is a cute ball of mess =) Which, we just had him shaved becuase he had so many matts in his fur, and he looks like a poodle. I HATE it. I think he looks really ridiculous. But hes still Archie =)



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