Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Doc is 1 yr old as of August 1st =) He is a big boy!!

I am concerned a little about his panting. He drinks plenty of water while he is outdoors and plenty more when he comes in. But, he still lays around panting, pretty fast, for quiet a while (up to 30 mins) after coming inside. It is usually when he's been out for more than just a typical potty break.. if he's been out for 30 mins or longer. He doesnt typically play too hard outside but may be barking at neighbors or other animals.. he is pretty vocal out there and t has been hot outside lately. I just don't want to be overlooking something.. at the same time.. I don't want to take him to the vet and pay for them to say"lady it's hot out" LOL!

Do your doodles pant like this?

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Meg does the very same thing, sometimes just working hard on a bone will make her do the same.  I don't think she should pant that much but she knows where to go when she WANTS to be cool (she is very good at blocking the AC) and when she has had enough busy play outside she heads for the shade and waits to go in.  I always think her heart must be racing but she seems all right.  I will be watching your post to see what others say.

Both doodles pant from the heat but Calla much more tan Luca. She has always done this and she is fine.

Thanks for the reply F. it is a relief that Docs not alone in his quick panting.

Quincy pants for quite some time, even after coming in and settling down.  But he eventually stops and I have come to think of it as his normal cool down.  

Judy, Doc hogs the AC vent too! Lays right on top of it!! He, too, goes under the deck and lays in the shade there if I take too long letting him back in. I wonder sometimes if his hair is just unnaturally warm! Glad to hear he is not alone in the panting..

Thanks Lori! I guess he always does eventually calm down to normal breathing and usually passes out for a nap after his panting sessions.. glad to hear that this panting seems to be normal!

Luna does this if it's especially hot out - she drinks some water and lays down on a cool tile floor and when she's done panting she zonks out.  

I am so happy you posted this as i was literally about to post same question! we have only owned german shepherd dogs, 3 over 25 years. They never panted like our Bay. They were very large with heavy coats. I was starting to think it was just her. She seems playful and happy,healthy even while panting but just yesterdayni said to my husband, "could she have a heart attack?" She was just 1 in May. I will ask her vet anyway but a relief to hear we are not alone with the worry. Thanks!

My Meg turned a year old in May as well.  She has a very deep and narrow chest/ribcage and I wonder if that is not part of it.

Stanlee does this every time he's outside, at least during the summer months.  Living in Florida it's a normal thing so I don't freak out about it.  Also, I have found that Stan likes to sprawl in front a mini fan I put down on the floor for him, I guess he too likes the cool air blowing on him after being outside.  However, if you notice she is panting differently or even more heavily than what she normally does that is when I would worry about overheating and start cooling her down with more than a tile floor and a fan. 

I will say that my dogs are better at knowing when it's time to get out of the sun than I am.  LOL

Hi Stephanie, Our 6 month old doodle, Rhubarb, is always HOT. She will crawl under the car to get shade, sleeps on top of air vents, and hogs the fan. She is also an excessive panter. We call her a drama queen :) 

We were a bit concerned that something was wrong with her 'thermostat', but it sounds like it's a common doodle trait! 

I should add that she seems much more comfortable when we keep her fur shaved close.

Thanks for all the replies here, seems that doodles may just be heavy panters! I think we will give Doc another haircut, to aid in quicker cool downs, to finish out the summer! Thanks again!



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