Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

hi all...weve been on the go as havent really chimed in...but all is well....still missing my boy Rusty.....n always will...but our lives are moving on.....we are looking for another...through rescues aspca n privates.....looking at a private now....maybe this one will work out...all is well,Haley is adapting as well as us.....but we do enjoy having 4 in the we r enjoying all the pics here n the silly n crazy things that our pets do...gotta love the doodles....they are all unique in every way n each personality so very special.....

   stay well everyone n we wil try to get in here more as the weather cools off ..keep those pics going..n loving ur best friends...till alter on...have a super rest of the summer....

                     haley,david n patti......n rusty


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Beautiful photo. Sweet memories, I am sure.  

What a sweet pic.  I know that when the moment is right the perfect little doodle will find its way to your home.  Until then, give Haley some extra love and let us know how it is going.  Hugs.

Very sweet photo. :)

Be very careful with private rehomes; experience has taught those of us who work in doodle rescue that the owners often are not completely honest about the dog's issues. Be sure that you see the dog's vet records, and any paperwork from the original purchase. Good luck, I'm sure the right doodle will find you!

I agree with Karen.  A rescue will give you an honest up front assessment of the dog. Rescues work hard to place the dog with the right family. For example, they know the dog is good with other dogs!  Something you need.

They may seem expensive, but they come fully vetted.  You spend that anyway or more in the long run.

Good Luck

Awwww.....sweet dogs!  Good luck in your search.

Good luck with your quest.

Beautiful photo! Good luck with your quest to find a new addition. I got my Winston through a rehome and he's the best dog ever but Karen is right, the owners aren't always completely honest so you do need to be careful.

What a lovely picture.  I am glad that you are looking for another doggy to complete your family again. Best of luck in your search.



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