Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Anyone else have a husband that hates dogs? We got Cooper a little over a week ago. I figured with time he would warm up to Cooper but it hasn't gotten any better. He pushes Cooper away ever time he comes near him, freaks out if he chews on stuff or pees in the house. Who doesn't love a cute puppy?!?! Any suggestions to make it better?

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Ditto. Perhaps GH needs to be rehomed without kids and puppies.
Wow, OY, & Whoa!! Wow b/c you sound like this is an impossible situation
OY,b/c there is no simple solution for you
Whoa, b/c why would you bring a dog into an environment that wasnt 100% supportive?
I believe you never get married & try to change a person...doesn't work!! Todd is so far removed from being a dog person...that isn't going to change!!
Your good choices are few....I think you know what they are! (DRC to the rescue!) before this situation becomes an aggravated issue with possibly bad consequences!!

My boyfriend did NOT want a dog and we had to type out a very clear set of rules before I could get one. For example, I am responsible for all medical care, cleaning up after her, and replacing ruined things. He also said that she couldn't sleep in our bed which he has quickly and voluntarily changed ;) I agree on what others said about having him apart of the training process. When my boyfriend works with her on training he gets really excited that she responds to him. He's actually taught her one thing on his own. He does get mad if she has an accident or chews but he gets irritated with me, not her. I'm sure he will warm up. When I was a child my mom did not want a dog but my step dad did and brought one home. He passed a few years ago and she still talks about how she misses him and loved him so much. I think the puppy years are really stressful but once you have an obedient and loyal dog he will probably be fine.



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