Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have had our 14 week puppy named Cisco for 4 days, and we are doing very well. He is so sweet, and we all adore him! My question is about play, and how to get him interested. We have plenty of toys, and try to engage him in play regularly, but he just doesn't seem interested. Have any of you experienced this? Any advice for how to play with a 14 week old? What kind of play do you do with your puppy? I have read not to play tug games, and he has no interest in fetch.  Thank you all so much. This site has helped me so much.

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Not sure this is any help, but I have two pups and one has to be playing ALL the time while the other has absolutely no interest (she's actually perfectly content just running and chasing other dogs)? They all have different personalities. I would suggest different activities to find what entices her, she may prefer doing tricks? She's still a baby so be patient. Good luck.

As long as puppy's not feeling sick, it probably will pick up with time.  Not all doodles naturals at 'fetch' either.

When my Roger joined us, it took him awhile to show an interest in toys and there was no fetching at all. I would joke that there's no retriever in my dog except on the outside (he looks more retriever than poodle or doodle) bc he wouldn't fetch anything. Fast forward 8 months later, roger is now 9 months and ha favorite toys and if it was up to him, he would have me play fetch 24 hours a day! I think it just takes time for them to acclimate to their new surroundings and feel safe and secure. It will happen in no time and you'll end up wishing for the nice quiet cuddly time. LOL
Be patient! He adjusting to his new life and surroundings. Enjoy his contentment for now, his activity level will pick up. My doodle did not pick up fetching until after she was a year and she still refuses to bring it back to me at times!
Sounds like our pups are close in age. Enzo was born May 17. I would also agree...I think he probably still adjusting to his surroundings. We have no problem getting Enzo to play, but She definitely has her"favorite" toys and maybe, that's what it will take with your little guy. Any toy with swinging, dangly pieces. A spider with it's eight legs is her favorite. And of course, SQUEAKERS. She goes nuts over the toys with squeakers embedded. Also a empyt p,as tic water bottle, lid screwed on. Cheapest toy and loads of fun for them...and when they get chewed up, usually one play session , it gets tossed and one doesn't feel it was money wasted.

Thank you all so much. Very helpful.

We've had our puppy for 1 1/2 weeks now. He loves to chew on bully sticks, and his favorite toy is the Hide-a-Squirrel. He can spend quite some time getting all the squirrels out of the tree trunk, and then chew on their squeakers.

Oliver is 14 weeks too, and while he'll occasionally play fetch (he really wants it to turn in to a tugging game) he loses interest after a while.  We found a great way to burn off energy and work on recall is to play hide & seek.  One person holds the dog, the other runs and hides, then issues the COME command.  The puppy LOVES to run around trying to find you.  We treat once he finds us and sits.  It burns off a lot of energy and helps with the fun/positive aspect of coming when called.  It also reinforces following the COME command even if you're out of sight :)

Our Puppy K also recommended doing recall exercises with two people, almost 'round robin' style.  If you stand at opposite ends of a yard/room and one person issues the COME, treating when he does.  Then the next person on the other side should issue the command etc.  It's a good way to work on recall and get him moving back & forth.  Good luck!

Love the hide and seek suggestion!  Going to try that tonight!  Our GD is 15 weeks and has on-again-off-again toy interest.  We too started doing the come command on opposite ends of the yard and it worked beautifully.

Belle is 14 weeks old too and at first she didn't fetch either.  After enough times though she now loves it. I have also found that the squeaky stuffed toys work well too, as the squeaker gets her attention (they need to only be used under supervision though).  I also found a ball made of similar material to the kong and very bouncy and she loves that because it bounces in all directions and she loves trying to run after it.



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