Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

good morning Doodle post in the past were about my Rusty as some remember....gosh he is so very missed...n we decided to look for another pup that needed to have a good loving caring we looked n looked n in north carolina we came across a couple in thier late 50s-60 like us,that were moving way south n had no room for this big thier schudules were very busy always traveling for work grands he would be in a kennel while away alot.they decided to look for a home..n we were lucky enough to be the ones....Boris is his name n will be 1 year old on wednesday,it was thier first dogee ever! they let him do what he wanted when he wanted,when we say no training we mean will be a challange but he was so beautiful n large we could not let him go.Boris n Haley seam to get along it is now day 2,n each day we will work some with him,he is very smart for sure.he is also 90 pounds at this time....loln towers over Haley by 5 inchs at least at the sure she will put him in his place as they go on....she is 4 years old....anyway...we r back to a family of 4 n there will be pics to well as alot of new for my Rusty may u RIP my best friend...u are always going to be in my heart n thoughts n thank you for every memory you have given me/us.....for our new pup Boris.....welcome home n my your life be every bit of love n happiness with more shoes,socks n on the all our friends n other Doodle Lovers out there.......the adventure begins.......david n patti n haley n boris


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Congratulations and so happy for all of you!  Boris is one lucky Doodle:)

Great news.  You taking Boris is an ode to Rusty.  Congratulations!

congratulations on Boris!!!  SO glad you found one another! 

So happy for you and Boris. Sometimes things are meant to be

Hooray for you and hooray for Boris! It sounds like a match made in heaven! He is just gorgeous. I'm so glad you have him. 

David and Patti, Here are a couple of photos of your Boris from his short stay at my home last week.  he is a real sweetheart.  And BIG!  LOL!

Ronna, those pictures are beautiful and Boris is as cute as can be:)  How fun for you to have him for a few days!

Gorgeous Ronna!

That is great news..congratulations to you and your family!!

Such good new for you, and for Boris!  And just think Ronna had already been taking care of him!  Love this story!!

Congratulations, I think I have a bit of dog envy!  Hope training goes smoothly.



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