Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I will need to have spinal surgery in the next three weeks for lumbar discogenic disease. I live alone and as I recover from surgery will be bed ridden for a 60 day period. I will not be able to walk at all or care for my beloved baby boy Luigi. Luigi is a beautiful eleven month old labradoodle, completely housebroken obviously. I am desperate. As all of us are on here my doodle is the love of my life. I live in the Philadelphia suburbs area and need to know if anybody would be able to foster Luigi for a 2 month period. Any and all expenses would be covered of course. I am in tears as I type this because I have never spent even a day away from him but I need to think of his welfare and care above all else. I am praying that somebody who is in the club or who knows somebody that shares a love of doodles like me can care for him. Please respond. Thank you so much. I have many pictures of him posted in my profile.

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Laura, I am so sorry you are going to have to go through all this. I wished I lived closer as I would be more than happy to help. I have a wonderful dog walker and maybe that would be an option, too. Just trying to think of something. I just know this Doodle community will pull together to help you. Hang in there!!

Laura I wish I lived closer too so I could help...Prayers and thoughts with you as you go thru your surgery and finding a caregiver for Luigi....does your vet maybe know of someone or would someone at your vets office maybe help you out for a couple of months?

Hi Laura, I sent you a friends request.  I'm in NJ and could help you out :)

I just knew someone would step up!  That is what I love about this Site.  Thank you Barbara. 

Me too.

Barbara, I could certainly help you out by driving up to relieve you for a short period of time. Just let me know!

Hi Laurie... Thanks for the offer of help, I'm just waiting for a response back from Laura.

Barbara, Just let me know what I can do to help Robin or you!

Barbara - Laura told me you are taking Luigi for her - you rock!  I am available to help you out if necessary, so just say the word.

Sorry about your surgery. I hope you can find someone to help out with Luigi.

Laura, I'm sorry to hear about your situation and I can imagine how your feel about finding care for Luigi. I know Barbara (Sasha and Oliver) very well and you couldn't ask for a more caring person. We see each other often with our doodles. I will help in any way I can!

Awwwwww thanks Jane :)   XOXOXOXOXO



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