Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
So, I had an uncomfortable experience at the vet today with Rooney. I had to take him in unexpectedly because we had discovered a small lump on his flank and wanted to get it checked out. It turned out to be a benign cyst and nothing to worry about but before we could get to that happy ending I had to endure the awkward experience of my dog growling at the Vet.
Here is some background (just for perspective): Rooney lives in a busy household with people coming and going frequently and does fine with all of that. He goes to a doggie daycare periodically and always gets good reports for his interactions with both the dogs and caregivers (a man and a woman). We walk daily and he passes people without incident and can sit in front of Starbucks watching people pass by without barking or getting overly excited.
That said, every once in awhile if he is really startled by somebody (they kind of pop out of nowhere) he has been known to startle, kind of jump away (not toward anyone) and growl a little. He always stops when I pop the leash and tell him "No." He is definitely a bit more wary of men in general and is far more protective of me than my husband.
So, here is the scenario at the vet today: He went in the room with the female tech just fine. She gave him pets and checked him out and all was well. She left, closing the door behind her. Then the male vet came in. At first Rooney was quiet but as soon as he started moving toward us (remember we are in an enclosed, small space now) he stood up and backed away and started growling. It wasn't a vicious growl (no snarling) but it was definitely a growl.
The vet left and said he'd send the female tech back in and that they would take him in the back away from me. She came back in, Rooney was fine, went back with her just fine and she says he accepted peacefully the muzzle they then put on him and was fine for the brief examination.
So, she follows up the good report about the cyst with a recommendation for a dog behavior therapist and gives me her card. She also says that any aggression issues are likely to get worse with age so it's best to get on it.
I am completely fine with working with Rooney more on the things that make him anxious and I certainly don't like to hear him growling at people- but was his reaction so unheard of? I left feeling so sad and embarrassed and as though I have completely failed as a dog owner when I have tried so hard to do everything right with this guy. He has been VERY socialized since the day we brought him home, no one has ever mistreated him in the slightest and we continue to try and include him in everything we can in our lives.
Based on his 99% good behavior with people does he really need a private behavior therapist consultation, or is it enough to just step back up his regular training (which we do need to do)? I'm concerned this is going to be costly and I'm questioning if he is behavior is so far out of bounds that it warrants such specialized intervention.
Thoughts? Advice?
P.S. Just FYI- Rooney is almost two years old. And look how sweet he is! (So none of our DK'ers will worry, I'm updating this to add that my daughter does not hold him around the neck regularly and her arms are actually quite loose in this picture. It was just a very quick moment.) :-)
I guess I would start by trying to get him used to the situation. If possible have him in a small space with you and have a male he does not know come in and offer him a treat or something Do some repeats of this. Have men he doesn't know try to pet him. Any growling gets immediate correction, by you of course. Any good behavior get treated. I wouldn't jump to a behaviorist right away. Also, it is not a good idea to have children hold him around the neck although he sure seems to tolerate this well : )
Thanks, F. That's not standard hugging procedure around here. :) Just a quick photo op and he really does tolerate any level of handling from her very, very well. He's quite a snuggler.
Thanks for the suggestions. Those are good ideas and definitely some things we should work on. I think it is hard because it is sort of hard to "stage" the scenarios that seem to bother him but it is worth trying.
I think F's advice is perfect.
Thank you, Kelly. I was a little taken aback by how little the vet did to try and help the situation. I do think if he had knelt down and offered a treat, Rooney would have come around but I also understand he isn't interested in getting his hand bit off (which I don't believe Rooney would do). Rooney is the same way that he doesn't snap, snarl, lunge or anything on that level of aggression, He's just anxious and I honestly didn't even have time to react myself before the vet was just out there. I believe I could have gotten him settled down myself but I didn't even have a chance to try.
I should also mention this isn't our usual vet. He normally sees a female vet and does just fine. Now they have flagged his chart so I don't think he will be seeing any male vets again at all...
did they flag it that he is aggressive ? (it should be that the vet was stupid lol). see my comment below.
I *think* it was just a note that he should only see female vets from now on. But my guess is that the implication is because he has an aggression problem with men. I don't know...I was so rattled by the whole thing I just wanted to get out of there so I didn't argue or ask a lot of questions. The tech was very nice but I also got the impression that she felt I was not taking his "aggression problem" seriously enough. But that's because he's never had an aggression problem until today!!
Our dogs are good judges of people and situations. If my dog were to growl at a person that I had very little prior interaction with I would be wary. Perhaps Rooney sensed something. Or did Rooney think you were going to be harmed. I don't think that based on this incident you should be worried about his behavior.
I appreciate your feedback. Rooney was clearly startled and obviously felt anxious about something. I talked to my husband and we are going to work on staging more scenarios where he can work with meeting strange men, especially with me. Because even though I'm not super worried about this escalating into a bigger problem, I do know he has a nervous side to his personality so the more we can help him feel less anxious about all kinds of people the better.
I just feel relieved that maybe we don't have to bring in a private specialist at this point...
I am not liking this vet! Separating him from you? A muzzle? he growled, not lunged or snapped. How about Mom holding the dog while the vet gets down on the floor with him, makes nice and then examines him? Maybe my reaction is on the other end of the spectrum, but I would not be going back to that vet any time soon.
An old adage,,, I dont know nothing about birthing babies" So no, i dont know. Simply my opinion follows. My lazy, happy dog doesnt react to anything, except of course when the bear visits our deck. Monty has never had anything bad happen at the vet, however when we go he gets anxious and tries to hide his head under my legs. This behaviour is totally weird knowing how he loves people. I dunno know, do our doods get white coat reactions>? I personally have the white coat problem and I think I am certainly not reactive. I say no worries unless he gets worse.
Our vet takes the dog away for blood work, he has not given them issue. i think they take him into the back so he doesnt hover under me?
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